Pokemon School#14 ~ Back On Track

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Ash: ..Drew?

Everyone is in shock as they see the green haired Pokemon Coordinator walking towards him, rose in hand.

Goh: Drew? Who is he?

Gary: Wait a minute, who's this kid?

Katsu: That's Drew. The famous Pokemon Coordinator.

Drew: Right you are! I'm the unbeatable coordinator from Hoenn.

Goh: You're from Hoenn?

Ash: Unbeatable..? Seriously Drew? A fire type could take on your team any time!

Drew: Woah woah woah, you're one to talk! I just heard you lost a battle, and you battle more than me. So blow the gaff.

Ash: Drew. I lost to a legendary Pokemon.

Gary: Well yeah but you had type advantag-

Ash: Pikachu, thunderbolt.

Pikachu: Pika! Chuuuu!


Pikachu let out the usual .01w thunderbolt, shocking Gary, locking up his muscles and sending him to the ground.

Drew: You actually lost with a type advantage? Ash, what has happened to you?

Ash: IT. WAS. A. LEGENDARY. And it was like, crazy powerful! It threw rocks at me and Serena and stuff-

Drew: Serena? Who's Serena?

Gary *recovered*: Hehe, she's Ashy-Boys girlfri-OW!

Ash gripped Gary's trapezius, sending him right back down to the ground.

Ash: She's my...well, girlfriend.

Drew: Wow, you actually got yourself a girlfriend ey? Well played Ash.

Ash: Like you haven't had one before.

Drew: Multiple fangirls but no official one, of course.

Ash: What about May?

Drew went bright red and looked away from Ash, desperate to change the topic.

Drew: A-anyways, let's see how well you've improved your battling skills.

Ash: Wait, why are you even here Drew?

Drew: Battle me and I'll answer all your questions. One on One.

Ash: Whaaatttt!!! Why are you stalling!

Drew: I'm not stalling.

Ash: Are.

Drew: Not.

Ash: Are.

Drew: Not.

Ash: Are.

Drew: Not.

Ash: Are.

Drew: Not- wait, now you're stalling!

Goh: Enough! Just battle already.

Ash and Drew turned and saw Goh, Gary and Katsu sweatdropping at their bickering.

Ash: Alright, alright. Let's do this.

Gary: I'll be the referee.

Drew: Time to shine Roserade!

Ash: Let's go Greninja!

Gary: The game ends when one sides Pokemon can't continue, subs are a no-no, battle begin.

Drew: I've clearly got the upper hand. Now then..Roserade, use Magical Leaf.

Ash: Don't let it hit you! Cancel it out with Water Shuriken!

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