Pokemon School#20 ~ A Day Of Amour

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A/N: heeeyyy, im back! i took a break for like 5-6 days and ngl, i was still writing. ive been planning to mass release chapters of Forged In Fire and i spent most of my break writing them. oops. 

anways, as you can tell by the title, this chapter is gonna have more ash and serena since amourshipping needs kicking up a notch.

and finally, im gonna start proofreading my chapters and editing it to make it look just that good. alright, enjoy the chapter!


Four weeks into school and the gang is going as strong as ever. Team Flare are still at large but they're nowhere to be found. It's after school now and we join the boys outside playing basketball. 

Gary: BOOM! Now that's how you do a half-court shot!

Goh: Show-off, it took you like 10 tries to do that and you lost a total of 20 points after your failed attempts.

Gary: Shut up..!

Ash: Guess you're really good at this, huh Gary? Willing to risk so much for one small thing.

Gary: Shut. Up!

Drew: Relax bud, we're just joking with ya.

Gary: Good. Ashy-Boy, how're things with Serena?

Gary passes the ball to Ash, who bounces the ball while thinking.

Ash: Eh, they're good but could be better in my opinion.

Goh: Maybe you guys should go on a date or something.

Ash: Yeah well...I don't know. I just wanna do something special for her.

Ash shoots a bank shot and Drew takes the ball.

Drew: Serena's the kind of person who would appreciate anything you do for her though.

Katsu: He's not wrong.

Goh: That's right.

Ash: Still, I want this to be different.

Gary: Why don't you just ask Delia for advice?

Ash: I want it to be original, something I think of.

Katsu: Why don't you go somewhere romantic? 

Katsu goes for a layup as he says that. They all look at Ash as he thinks. 

Just the two of them. Together.

Suddenly, he thought of the perfect place. He looked at up and grinned at them.

Ash: That's actually not a bad idea! 


Ash looks at his phone to see a message from Serena. He chuckles to himself at the message.

"Come back to the dorm! It's too quiet without you here.."

Ash: Serena wants us to head back to the dorm.

Drew: Alright let's go!

Ash: I need to get something on the way though....

Gary makes a final shot and tucks the ball underneath his arm. They all head for Lumiose City.


In the dorms (15 minutes later)

Serena: They're taking their time coming back here. I also messaged Dawn. She's coming back from wherever she is.

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