Pokemon School#25 ~ Old friend, Old rival!

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A/N: hello everyone, it's been a while since I've been on here, so i'd just like to explain where i've been. basically, over here in australia its winter and of course, i got sick. i got a really bad fever and had to rest for a couple of days. a couple days later i injured my foot so i had to take another day off. 

the rest of the break was me training for a really important soccer game, our team was competing for the cup and we were vsing the state team. naturally, we lost but yeah that's where i've been.

 anyways, im back now and thanks to the absolutely incredible writing skills of Fokkevdm, i remembered i also have a book to write. 

i also have a new upload schedule, i took my inactivity into consideration and decided to put a deadline for chapters.

The idea is: 

12-5am Monday ACST (UTC+9:30) 

12-5am Thursday ACST (UTC+9:30) 

Times will vary depending on how long the chapter is and how fast I can get it done.

(If I am unable to upload a chapter on either one of those days, it will be uploaded sometime on Saturday)

if you're confused, yes i am doing the chapters very late at night. the reason? i dunno, i get random bursts of motivation to write at night so there you go. anyways, enjoy this chapter!


Sycamore: The first matchup will be Ash Vs Calem!

The crowd gave a great 'ooh' as they saw the first matchup. Ash turned his head and looked around for Calem but there was once again no sign of him anywhere. Ash smirked to himself. Another battle with Calem.

Serena: So you're versing Calem first! How are you feeling?

Ash: Feeling great! I get to knock out Calem first thing in the tournament, I'm doing better than ever!

Serena: You seem confident!

Ash: Sure am! I trained way too hard to fall off in the first round. I've got this one in the bag.

Serena truly loved seeing Ash so happy and confident. It warmed her heart. 

The rest of the matchups were also announced. Gary vs Ethan, Goh vs Hau, Katsu vs Shota, Dawn vs Crystal, Trevor vs Tierno, Brendon vs Paul, Iris vs Alain.

Sycamore: The first matches will start in two days! You may leave now.

Chatter broke out in the hall as everyone started talking about the matchups. Ash's group began talking among themselves as well.

Gary: So, how are you feeling about your matches? I'm feeling pretty good about mine.

Goh: I'm versing someone called Hau.

Ash: Yeah that's my cousin! You gotta try hard Goh, he loves a great battle!

Dawn: Who's Crystal?

Ash: Hmm, I think she's someone from Johto. I don't know anything about her battles though..

Dawn: Real helpful Ash, I'll go find some of her battle data later then.

Katsu: I'm versing Shota, I've seen some of his battles. He seems like a good opponent.

Ash: Oh yeah he definitely is, he's got the super strong Sceptile I was telling you about and his teams really solid.

Katsu: Sounds like fun.

Iris: Ash!

Ash looks over and sees his longtime Unova friend calling him.

Ash: Iris! Hey! Champion? I didn't expect you to be a champion!

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