Pokemon School#3 ~ Gary's Adventure

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*Flashback to Astrid and Gary's mission*

Gary: Hit me with your best shot....

Astrid: G-Gary?!

Hooded Figure: You asked for it. Metagross! Hyper Beam!

As the hyper beam approched Gary, he thought back to everything that happened in Kalos. Bunking with Ash, his relationships with Shauna and Lillie, going to Alola. It all came flooding back. But he knew he had to stay strong for Ash, his longtime rival.

As the beam engulfed him, Astrid looked away, not wanting to see anything happen to her friend who she had just began to have positive ties with. The sound of explosions and ground tearing up blasted through Astrid's ears. Soon after, Arcanine came to Astrid with the Garchompite in his jaw, and the two rushed to Sycamore. But what happened to Gary?

Gary: What's this? Where am I?

???: You are in the... let's say afterlife.

Gary: *gasp* I'm in HEAVEN?!

???: No, foolish boy. I have preserved your soul but your body is long gone.

Gary: So then what happens..? And who even are you?

???: Your body will be forged again. As for who I am, let's say.. you know me but you also don't know me.

Gary: How does that help?!

???: It's time to return Gary.

Gary: Hey I'm not done talk-

Before Gary could finish, he felt as though he was falling through the ground until he hit his back on the ground. Hard. He gets up and looks around. It's the same place where the encountered the hooded figure. Gary still had 5 Pokemon on him. Arcanine was with Astrid.

Gary: Wait. Where's the person with the hood? And where'd the mega stone go?

Gary looks around trying to spot either of them but is unsuccessful.

Gary: Damnit, I need to get back to Lumiose City! Pidgeot, help me out!

Gary releases Pidgeot 

Gary: We need to get to Lumiose City as fast as possible.

Pidgeot: Pidgeot!

Pidgeot spreads its wings and takes off for Lumiose City. They fly for around 30 minutes but then Pidgeot begins to feel tired. Gary landed in the forest and returned Pidgeot, then looked around at his surroundings. It was still pretty early in the afternoon.

Gary: Guess I'm going on foot then. 

Gary continued around the forest trying exit. But he suddenly ran into a very solid object.

Gary: Ouch! That's going to leave a mark

Gary looked up and saw a Kakuna staring down at him. But when Gary looked around, there were multiple Kakuna staring at him, and they all looked angry.

Gary: Oh god. I mean. They're only Kakuna right? They can't do much damage..

Just as Gary said that, the one in front of him evolved into a Beedrill. And so did the ones around him. Now Gary was in trouble.

Gary: I really need to learn how to control my tongue.

All of the Beedrills flew towards Gary, stingers at the ready. This was a sign for Gary to start running. Not even his Pokemon could take on that many Beedrill. 

Gary weaved through trees until he finally hit a dead end. A cliff that lead to an almost lethal fall. 

Gary turns around and sees that the Beedrills are right behind him. It was either the Impact or the Dropdown. Gary looked around and thought of his options. Though it wasn't like he had a choice because at that moment, the ledge he was standing on gave out and he fell down.

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