Pokemon School#4 ~ Back to school!

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Gary: Who-wha-wazgoinon?

Gary had been awoken due to a loud sound that could've sounded like it came from a Noivern. He looked up to see Delia standing before him staring at him

Gary: Morning Delia, you look like you've seen a ghost!

Delia: G-gary is that you?

Gary: Uhhh, who else would it be?

Delia came and hugged Gary with tears streaming down her face, while Gary had no idea what was going on.

Delia: I thought you were gone...

Gary: Delia, you really need to explain what's going on..

Delia: Well, professor Sycamore told me you had..died. He said it happened on one of your missions.

Gary: What? When..

Then Gary remembered. The voice he was talking to. The beedrills. Everything.

Gary: Well, I'm alive now.

Delia: What do you mean now?

Gary: Well.. it's a long story. But I got hit by a Hyper Beam while trying to protect Astrid. But then when I looked up I was somewhere else. And this voice was talking to me saying that it preserved my soul or something. Before I could say anything, I got put back into where I was before. But everyone was gone. 

Delia: So what did you do?

Gary: I took Pidgeot and tried flying to Lumiose City, but then Pidgeot got tired so we landed in the forest. I tried continuing on foot from there but ran into some angry Kakuna, which evolved into Beedrill. I got injured by them and went to a research lab where someone called Professor Cerise treated me back to normal. So I did work for him and met a boy name Goh and we both came here to go back to school-

Gary suddenly remembered


Goh: Gary? I'm already up. I was waiting for you.


Gary did everything as fast as he could. The time was 7:30 and assembly started at 7:45. If he really rushed he could make it.

Gary: It's go-time Goh! We gotta bounce! Bye Delia!

Goh: Bye Delia!

The two boys took off down the road and all the way to school. The school was in sight. The time was 7:43, they could make it.

*In school assembly*

Sycamore: Attention please! This is a serious announcement.

Everyone in the assembly immediately quieted down.

Sycamore: It is with great sorrow, that I inform you, that our student and champion, Gary Oak has passed on.

An audible gasp echoed throughout the assembly. Gary Oak, the school champion, gone? Calem tried his best to look sad but deep down, he thought Gary deserved it. And he realized he was now champion since he and Gary faced off in the finals. When everything was quiet, an audible sound was echoing through the halls.

???: We're going to be late come on!

???: That's not my fault Gary, you woke up so late!

Gary: Yeah but I had to explain to Delia Goh!

Goh: Doesn't matter let's just hope we're not-

The two burst into the hall.

Goh: ...late.

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