(Weapons?) Nat

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Y/Ns age: 12
Natasha's age: 32
Plot: Natasha doesn't know some stuff about her daughters past in the red room but in a fight it comes out.
Narrators pov

"Please, mom please?" You begged your mom. "Y/n no, I'm saying no. Stop asking." Natasha replied walking into the living room and you following her. "It's not fair you use them all the time." You whined, making Wanda and tony bring their attention to you. "Use what all the time?" Wanda asked.

"Weapons. She wants to use weapons, like guns and knives and I'm telling her no. Also I use them because I'm an adult. You're a kid therefore it's a no." Natasha replied. "I'm not a kid." You replied, being completely serious. "Then what are you?" Tony asked butting into the conversation. "Idk but I'm not a kid, kids have childhoods with love and stuff, I wasn't even allowed to love when I was younger because love was for children and I was a trained Russian spy."

"My point, you didn't get a childhood because of me and I'm trying to make up for it now and normal kids your age don't use weapons." Natasha said, sitting down on the couch. "That's the thing you already made up for it, you got me out of that situation. I've killed more people before the age of 10 then most will in their lifetime so I don't think I'll ever be normal. I went from using weapons everyday for bad to not being allowed to at all, and that's not fair." You said, sitting next to your mother still not dropping the topic.

"Y/N, you aren't using weapons end of story. You're 12 and haven't had the easiest life and that's my fault. Im your mother and what I say goes, and I'm saying no to weapons." She said, smirking a little and stroking your hair. "That's so unfair, how can I not use something that I was forced to when I was like 8?" You asked rolling your eyes. "Because I make the rules and as long as you live with me your gonna have to deal with them" Natasha replied. You just rolled your eyes and snuggled up into your mother, dropping the topic because you knew you wouldn't win.


You were tired of your mothers rules, you thought they were stupid and unnecessary. You didn't understand why she didn't let you touch a single weapon, it's not like you'll get hurt. You knew how to use them already because of your past so what was the issue.

You decided that you would break those rules and use them anyway while she was out on a mission.

You knew that F.R.I.D.A.Y was your biggest enemy in this case, so you made sure he was turned off before you started.

You headed towards the training room, you seen Clint in there but he didn't really care because he knows that you and your mother box in there. While he wasn't paying attention you walked through the doors into the weaponry grabbing a pistol and some throwing knives. You got out the training room as fast as possible and went straight outside.

You were now at the shooting range. You put on the headphones and it reminded you of the red room, being next to the other girls each with a target in front of you, all looking dead inside. You shoved those memories aside, but making the target the face of someone you hoped you would never see again and shot the gun.

You hit it directly in the middle, and then you shot it again and again and again, reloading every time you ran out. You didn't miss the target once. You eventually ran out of ammo, so you grabbed the knives and started to throw them.

You definitely hadn't lost your touch, you were hitting the targets when you hear your mother scream your name. You immediately stopped, practically frozen in place. Fear was running threw your veins, you didn't know what to do. You could look at her and see how angry she was or you could continue and get in more trouble. You didn't do either of those things, you chose to stand there still not moving.

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