Christmas (Scarlett)

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Y/N's age: 6
Scarlett's age: 28
Plot: it's Christmas morning, and Scarlett takes you to an MCU Christmas party
A/N: I got the Christmas idea from @Katxxstories but it's literally nothing related to hers lol.


Narrator's pov

It was 7:30 on Christmas morning, and you just woke up. You got up going to your window to admire the snow, when you realized it was Christmas.

You ran to your mothers room, jumping on her. "MOMMY! MOMMY! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" You screamed, jumping up and down on her. Scarlett woke up from this but pretended to still be sleeping.

"Mommy, come onnn. I want you to see the gifts I got you. Please, you'll love them." You said, shaking her arm. You got Scarlett a few gifts with Lizzie, that you thought she would really like.

"Okay, okay, I'm up. Are you excited to see the gifts I got you?" Scarlett asked, sitting up and placing you on her lap. "Yes, yes I am!" You said, and Scarlett kissed your forehead before getting up.

She put you down, and you ran down stairs. "Don't run y/n, I don't want you to get hurt on Christmas." Scarlett warned, so you slowed down your pace. "Okay, mommy." You replied.

When you got downstairs, there was a bunch of presents but what caught your eye was the purple and black bike with the bow on it. "OMG! OMG! YOU GOT ME ONE WITHOUT TRAINING WHEELS!!" You screamed out in excitement.

You ran to Scarlett, hugging her. "Thank you, thank you so much. I love you" you said, hugging her very tight. "You're welcome, and I love you too. Don't waste all your energy on just one gift, I got you a lot." Scarlett said, stroking your hair.

You nodded and let her go before going back over to the presents. "I think you should open the one with the pink wrapping paper." Scarlett said, pointing to a shimmery pink wrapped gift. "Okay." You said back, grabbing the gift.

"What's in it?" You asked, shaking the box. "You'll have to open it to find out." She replied. You nodded your head and started taking off the wrapping paper.

When you opened it, you were meet by red pointe shoes, "You remembered!!" You squealed out, smiling largely. "I remember everything you say, baby." Scarlett replied, sipping on her hot coffee.

You grabbed a gift that you had got for your mother and got up, "I think you should open one of mine." You said, handing her a small box. "Okay then" Scarlett said, putting down her coffee and taking the box.

Scarlett opened the box, and seen a silver arrow necklace like the one Natasha had. "I know you gave me the one from set so I thought it would be cool if we both had one. Do you like it?" you asked.

"Ahh, baby. I love it! I'm gonna put it on when I get dressed for the day." Scarlett said, pulling you into a hug.

You and Scarlett opened the rest of the presents and had a very fun time doing so, after you were done you put them away and then got ready to go to the Christmas party.

You and Scarlett were both matching.


"Lizzie's gift is already in the car right?" You asked, holding Chris E. and RDJ's gift. "Yes baby, don't worry we have everyone's gifts" Scarlett reassured you. You nodded, and followed Scarlett to the car.

"Are you excited to see everyone?" Scarlett asked you, while picking you up and putting you in your car seat. (Idk about you guys but when I was 6, I was small so I still sat in one lol. When I turned 7 I didn't anymore though)

"Yes, especially RDJ!" You said, as your mother closed the car door and got into the front. "Really? And why's that?" She asked, starting the car. "I don't know, I just miss him." You said, shrugging your shoulders.

"Oh okay, well do you think everyone will like their gifts?" Scarlett asked you. "I hope so" you replied, grabbing your iPad and putting on YouTube.


"Hi everyone." Scarlett said, walking into the place where the party was being held. "Hi Scarlett" some people responded with, others just waved.

You and Scarlett walked over to where everyone you guys were close with were. "Uncle Robert!!" You yelled, running into his arms. "Hi, my little widow" he replied, while picking you up.

"How have you been?" He asked. "I've been good but I missed you. How've you been?" You asked. "I've been good, and I missed you too. I got you a present." RDJ says, while pointing at your gift. "I got you one too, but mommy has it." You reply, looking for your mom in the room with a lot of people.

"I don't know where she is though" you say, frowning. "She's probably with Lizzie and Chris Evans, let's go find her." He suggests, and you nod your head.

You both finally found her. "There you are, I've been looking for you" Scarlett says, taking you from Robert. "I was looking for you too" you replied. "Really?" She asks. "Yep" you say, as you nod.

"Oh look there's Lizzie" Scarlett says, as she walks over to Lizzie with you on her hip. "Hi my baby widow, how have you been?" Lizzie asks.

"I've been good." You replied, rubbing your eye lids. "Are you tired, baby?" Scarlett asked. "No" you reply letting out a little yawn. "I think you are" you nod your head, starting to squirm around so she would put you down.

"I'm not tired, I wanna stay." You said, still squirming around in her arms. "How about we stay for a little while longer and then go home. It's past your nap time." Scarlett suggests. You think about it for a second then say, "I guess that's fine."


You got a lot of presents, you were very happy.

"Can I wear the black widow pajamas?" You ask Scarlett, as she looks through your closet for pajamas. "Sure" she replies, getting them and putting them on you.

"I look just like you now." You reply, smiling wildly at yourself in the mirror. "Yes, you do. Now, time to watch Christmas movies." Scarlett says picking you up and placing you on her hip. You smile, and place your head on her shoulder.

"I love you baby" Scarlett says, kissing your forehead. "I love you too mommy." You reply, smiling.

(If you celebrate if not happy 25th of December!)

I still am not showing any of the COVID symptoms so I should be fine.

I love you guys and please stay safe.
Make sure to eat and drink water.

I'm so happy and grateful for the gifts I got, I opened them early because my mom felt bad that I have COVID lol.

If you ever need to talk I'm here ❤️

Word count: 1184

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now