a series of unfortunate events < N.R >

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Y/n's age: 5 and then 15
Natasha's age: 25- 35
Warnings: Dreykov, red room, etc.
Plot: Suprise. angst and then fluff (mimi's orders)
A/n: i literally haven't written since Natasha's birthday..


Narrators POV

Natasha has been on a 4 month mission for 2 months and a half. This being something she couldn't turn down, her chance to get back at Dreykov.

Her and Clint had been together on this mission, not because she couldn't do it herself but because Clint was the person to make sure Natasha went through with it. Clint had been the person to get her out, and deal with her PTSD so he wanted to be there when the person who put someone that he seen as his daughter into such misery, died.

Much to Clint's dismay, Natasha refused to let him be there when she finally "killed" him. Mainly because this was something she had to do, it was her final step in her defection to shield. It was her getting rid of the thing, the person who ruined her childhood, who raped her of her innocence.

As Natasha sat outside the building that Dreykov would enter any minute now, she thought about how glad she was that Clint had gotten her out, that he helped her. You were only 3 when it had happened, and you weren't to start training until you were 4. You're now 5 and you're the brightest, most bubbly kid she's every known. You make her so happy and the thought of you being any different hurt her soul.

It enraged her to think about what would of happened if Dreykov had started his training on you. It upset her so much that she could kill, and she would. She would kill Dreykov, not just because of what he did to her but because of what he threatened to do to you.


You were running all around the compound, paranoid. You had bitten Morgan whilst under the care of Auntie Wanda and Uncle Tony. It wasn't your fault that Morgan upset you. Even if you didn't think you should get in trouble, by the way Morgan was crying and the look that both adults gave you, you knew that you were in big trouble.

Not just by them but by your mom too. They were sure to tell her even before she got back from her mission. In which, she would make you go to bed early and give you a whole lecture on bitting when she came back.

As you turned the corner, red wisps began to surround you and suddenly you were facing an angry looking Wanda. "You do not run away from me, do you understand me?" She says, sternly. In which you gulp and nod your head in response.

"You also do not bite. What do you think Nat will say when I tell her that whilst she was gone, you found it acceptable to bite Morgan? Hm? She wouldn't be happy with you, would she?" She asks, raising one eyebrow at you. You began to fiddle with your fingers and tears sprung in your eyes. "Nu uh." You muttered out, putting your head down and giving a nod No towards wanda.

"I didn't think so, now I want you to go downstairs and apologize to Morgan and then you're gonna eat and go straight to bed." You nodded at her, deciding against throwing a fit. You would normally do so but only with your mom. You didn't like the idea of people thinking you were a brat or something so you tried your best to act good.

As you made your way down the stairs. You missed a step and tumble forward, not only scraping your knee on the carpeted stairs but also hitting your head on the wall. Immediately you burst into tears.

Wanda immediately rushed down to you and pulled you into her lap. Trying her best to not touch the rug burn on your right knee. "You're okay, it's gonna be okay." She soothed, as she switched between rubbing your head and your back.

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now