Death (natasha)

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Y/N's age: 7
Natasha's age: 27
Steve's age: too old
Bucky's age: too old
Plot: (don't worry, Nat isn't dying... I won't do that too you guys (yet).) Someone dies and you just found out....

Narrators pov

January 25th, 9:45

You were still sleeping, as usual. Everyone (the avengers, Nat, Steve, Wanda, Tony, etc.) were just informed about his passing. They all were devastated, what devastated them more was having to tell you. You loved him, a lot actually. He was one of your favorite people and now he was gone.

They were all talking about the memories they had with him and how much he'd be missed. They all knew that he didn't have any family, they were all dead. If anything, they were his closest thing to family.

"Hi everybody!" You said smiling, walking into the main room of the compound. You had just woken up. When you spoke, it startled everyone and they all brought their attention to you. You then seen all their sad faces, and part of you knew what that meant.

"Something's wrong." You said, your voice cracking and your smile fading until it was completely gone. You couldn't help but notice Bucky not being there. He was always there, no matter how many times someone tried to get rid of him, he always came back.

You faced your mom, you seen tears dropping from her eyes. She looked sad, very sad. She never cried. She was sad sometimes but never crying.

"Y/n, Bucky- he uhm- he died in his sleep last night."
Steve said, his voice cracking too. He couldn't think straight. Bucky was his best friend, his one friend that had been with him through it all, and now he was gone.

"No! HES NOT DEAD! YOU'RE LYING!" You screamed. You didn't cry but you were sad. So sad that you wanted to cry. No one said anything, they just stared, with sad and some pity expressions. That meant it was real.

You ran to your mother, and climbed onto her lap. Laying your head into her neck. "Is it okay to cry?" You asked her. "Always, you can cry whenever you want moya lyubov' " She replied, and you let out the tears you had been holding back. Hugging her for dear life.

You were seven turning eight soon but you were born and raised until the age of 6 in the red room. You haven't been the best with showing emotions, because from as long as you could remember you weren't allowed to. So, sometimes you still make sure you can. Natasha has been trying to tell you that you can show what you're feeling whenever you want now because you're safe but sometimes you still don't know if you should.

The day of the funeral

"We gather here today, to grieve over the loved one we see before us. James Barnes...." A guy you didn't know said.

When he said James you were confused. Who was James? You stared out with a confused expression, zoning out. You knew that the man was still talking but you didn't understand why you weren't at Bucky's funeral... Who else had died? And why were you at their funeral if you didn't know them.

No one every called James by his name, only the nickname Steve gave him. So, you had no clue that was his real name.

The man had finished speaking, and you had been holding your mothers hand. She started to walk, so you did too. After a while, you both sat down.

"Detka? Are you okay?" She said, which made you bring your attention back to the real world. "Yeah, I guess. But whose James? I thought we were going to Bucky's funeral" you said, still very confused.

"James is Bucky's real name, detka. We just call him Bucky because that's his nickname." She replied, stroking your hair. "Oh" you said, a little part of you hoped that it was because Bucky wasn't actually dead. And that they got it mixed up or something.


Hey, sorry this is kinda short but I hope you all are doing well. Make sure you're eating and staying healthy. I love you guys. ❤️

Word count: 705

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