"no, thats not what i meant." < scar >

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y/n's age: 10
rose's age: 7
scarlett's age: 25
plot: you push rose down the stairs because you're a great big sister
warnings: none tbh
a/n: p.s. i love you ;)


narrators pov

"girls! hurry up! we're gonna be late!" you heard scarlett scream from downstairs. you guys were currently getting ready to go to a game night with some of your family. "i'm coming mommy." you heard rose scream from her room. you didn't respond, you just continued to look for what you were searching for.

after about three more minutes, scarlett told rose to get buckled into the car and she made her way upstairs to you. "baby?" she knocks, you hum in response, not paying her much attention. "can i come in?" she asks, and you internally roll your eyes. she always asks that as if she didn't pay for the room. you didn't have a problem with her being in there so you never understood why she would always ask.

"yes mama, you always can." you reply, making scarlett smile. she didn't want you or rose to grow up as she did. she loved her family dearly but as a teenager she barely got any privacy which is what led to her having kids so early on. having kids at the age she did, did in fact make her life more challenging but she'd never change it for the world.

"bab- wow. what happened to your room?" she asks, shocked to see the mess that was your room. scarlett isn't too controlling about what you do with your room. that was your personal space to be decorated and kept as you wished but she was indeed a neat freak and your room being a mess was unsettling to see.

"UGH. i can't find it! and now my room is a mess and i still don't have what i'm looking for!" you groaned, flopping onto your bed. your actions told scarlett all she needed to know, "what are you looking for?" she asks, trying to see if she could help. "my thingy." you pouted. "what thingy? i'm gonna need you to be more specific." she chuckled, making her way over to you.

"i wanted to show my award to auntie vanessa but i can't find it! i have to show her how smart i am! or all this was for nothing!!" you groaned, dramatically. "baby, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. always remember that. it's okay to help people but it's never okay to base your self worth on someone's approval. understand?"

"yes mama, i understand. i think it's still important to hear other's opinions around you. i mean, i listen to everything you say because you're wise and you're my mom. if i didn't well then i'd be in a lot of trouble anddd i wouldn't be as wise as i am now." you said, dragging out the "and". scarlett smiles as she listens to you talk.

"hm. i guess you're right. well it looks like we both learn something from each other everyday. alright how about this, i have a picture of your award. i'll show it to your aunt vanessa and when we get home, i'll help straighten up your room?" scarlett asks as she placed a kiss to your forehead, smoothing your hair with her slim fingers.

"mhm, thank you." you exclaimed, sitting up fully. giving scarlett a huge hug, you both finally exited the house and began the drive to the game night. you really did have the best mom in the world.


"ugh! i hate you!" you screamed, throwing a monopoly piece at rose. "hey!" scarlett warned, making you immediately shut up. "don't say things you don't mean and if i catch you throwing another game piece at someone, we'll go home and you will be in your room for the rest of the night. am i clear?"

"yes mama. i'm sorry for saying that to you rose and i won't throw anything at you, but you're still a cheater and i'll never play with you again." you said, nonchalantly. your statement made rose upset, because yes she did cheat but she didn't want the whole family to know. she immediately started to cry.

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now