fuck off < nat >

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y/n's age: 13
natasha's age: 35
plot: you push natasha to her limit
warnings: yelling, swearing, semi-argument, school, etc.
a/n: nothing stresses me out more than having to write warnings cause i never know what to put


narrators pov

"but mama." you whine out, following natasha into the kitchen. "i said no, y/n. you've been acting out all week, i've gotten about 10 phone calls from your teachers. therefore, you will not be going to any of your friends houses until you fix your behavior." natasha says sternly, making you whine more.

"but this is the only weekend lexi is having a sleepover, i promise i'll be on my best behavior next week, if you let me go." you try and negotiate. "you're gonna be on your best behavior next week either way or you're gonna be grounded, little missy. no sleepover, maybe next time. sorry detka." natasha says, while sending you a small sympathetic smile.

"ugh, ok. i'll tell her i can't go." you say, making your way up to your room to get your phone. "hurry up and come back down, dinner is almost ready." she yells from downstairs to make sure you heard. "okay." you yell back.


"remember what i said, be good at school today." natasha says, sternly giving you a 'or else' type of look. "i will." you reply, rolling your eyes slightly.

"i love you." natasha says, giving you a kiss on the forehead. "i love you too." you say back, walking out the door and heading to school.

"hi y/n!" your bestfriend says, waving you over. "hey guys." you say, walking up to your group of friends. "i wish you could've came over last weekend, it would've been so fun with you there." lexi says.

"yea, i wish i could've been there." you said. "ugh, i forgot today we have b classes." josh says, groaning. "those are literally the worst classes." your bestfriend, sighs.

"we could go to first period and then skip the rest? and maybe go to the mall?" lexi suggests, making you gulp. your mom wouldn't like this at all. but then again you are your moms weakness, plus as long as you don't get caught you'll be fine.

"i'm down." you said, shrugging your shoulders.
"y/n... your mom is gonna be pissed." your bestfriend warns, knowing how scary your mom can be. "she'll get over it, come on don't be a party pooper." you joke, smiling widely.

"alright fine, i'm in. josh?" your bestfriend, asks. "i'm in, let me just call my brother and make sure he covers for me." he said, making you all roll your eyes.


"y/n come onnnn, we wanna see you in the dress." your friends all yell out from in front of the changing curtain. "alright, alright. i'm coming." you say, walking out from behind the curtain. all your friends jaws dropped, you looked stunning.

"what?!" you ask, shyly. did they not like the dress? did you look bad? "god, i'm so jealous. you look great, y/n!" lexi says, the other two agreeing. you smiled widely, "thank you!"

"we're just telling you what we see." josh says, whistling a little. making you roll your eyes at him. "come on, i'll come back and get this dress with my mom." you said, going back and changing out of it.

"what do you guys wanna do now?" you ask, walking out of the store. "uhhh, OMG LETS GO TO A WIG STORE AND TRY A BUNCH ON!!" your bestfriend screams like it's the best idea in the world.

"and get lice? hell yeah!" lexi says, as you all head to the wig store. "do you guys think i'd look good with a buzz cut?" josh asks, making you all laugh. "absolutely not, stick with the fluffy hair, it suits you." you say to him.

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now