"no, its not fair!" (scar)

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y/n's age: 5 & 13
scarlett's age: 25 & 33
plot: uhm basically you finding out that scarlett is gonna die before you.
a/n: just seen a video on tiktok about how my mother is gonna die before me and i'm sobbing because i need her and there's no way i can live without her. so i always write when i'm sad and need to vent so here it is.


narrators pov

"mama?" you say, running into the living room scaring Scarlett. As you run in she wipes her tears and sits up straight. "What's wrong baby?" she chokes out, trying her hardest not to cry again. you take notice of how sad your mother is, so you climb into her lap and give her a kiss on the cheek, making her smile. "what's wrong, mommy?" you ask, making her clear her throat.

"do you remember your grandfather?" she asks, hoping that you didn't so that this would be easier. "the silly one, who used to wear that bird hat while chasing us around the house and you used to call him crazy?" you ask, making Scarlett chuckle slightly at the memory. "yes that one, well mommy got some upsetting news about him so mommy's sad."

"what do you mean?" you ask, sadly. "well eventually people get old and they pass away, that's what happened to my dad." she replies, wiping the tears that had fallen down her face. "so he di-died?" you ask, recalling something you heard in a tv show where someone dies and you never see them again. "mhm, he died baby." she replied, kissing your forehead. "does that mean you're never going to see him again?" you ask, as tears fall down your face.

"sadly yes, I'll never see him again." she replied, wiping your constantly falling tears. "But what if you die and I'm still here?" you say, sobbing into your mothers arms. "well then you'll be all grown up and you wont need me." Scarlett replies, trying her hardest not to cry. "I think I'll always need you." you say, trying to figure out how you could ever live without your mother.

"I never want you to die, mommy!" you scream, hitting her chest. "I know baby, and I wont for a long time." Scarlett says, as tears fall down her face. she pulls you into her chest to try and calm down your screams and cries. she whispers soft words like, "I love you, sweet pea" "Shh, its okay. mommy's here and she isn't leaving anytime soon."


time skip, you're 13 now

"Has y/n come downstairs at all since she's been home?" Scarlett asks colin, while sitting down next to him on the couch. Scarlett had just gotten home from set, usually you'll be the first to greet her and when you weren't she assumed you wanted to be alone. "no, actually when she got here she seemed sad but when I asked her what was wrong she insisted I leave her alone. I didn't want to push her so I decided it was best to leave until you came home." he replies, honestly.

"I'm going to go check on her, don't wait up." she says, making her way upstairs to your room. "y/n? can I come in?" your mother asks, knocking on the door. meanwhile, you were inside the room crying your eyes out about something that wouldn't happen for a very long time. you let out a small muffled yes but Scarlett heard and walked in.

"aw, baby what's wrong?" she asks, immediately going to comfort you. "I cant live without you, you cant leave me. you cant die!" you sobbed into her arms. "oh sweetie, I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here, it was just a bad dream." she comforted, assuming you had a nightmare about her dying. "no, its not a dream eventually you're going to leave me and I can't live without you!" you scream, continuing to sob into her.

Scarlett didn't know what to say, because you were right. eventually, she was going to get old and die, leaving you without her. "I can't- I can't live without you please don't leave me!" "baby, it- it happens to- " Scarlett began to say but you cut her off, "NO, ITS NOT FAIR! it's not fair!" you scream, as you realize it's getting harder to breath. "y/n. y/n breath, it's going to be okay. I'm not leaving for a very long time. you have a lot more time with me before you need to even think about this." she comforts, stroking your hair.


this is actually really short and shitty lol, so yea but just throwing this out there!

word count: 796

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