happy birthday, tasha < N.R. >

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y/n's age: 16
natasha's age: 38
plot: it's your mama's birthday
warnings: drinking, blip still going on rn btw. i think that's it
a/n: it's natty's birthday omg. her last one until her death date. this is sickening


narrators pov

3.. 2.. 1!!!

"happy birthday mama!! i love you so much!" you say, lathering natasha's face in kisses making her giggle. "thank you my sweet girl. now come on, time for bed. we have a lot planned."

natasha got up earlier this morning than she ever does. she wanted to make you breakfast. yes, she's aware that it's her birthday but she's so appreciative of you and what you've done for her that she wanted to make it for you. since the blip, natasha didn't have time to drown in self-pity because she was too busy making sure that you were getting the life you deserved. she's always so thankful that you weren't blipped because she doesn't know what she would do.

after nat finished making breakfast for the both of you she headed upstairs to wake you up. opening your room door slowly and discreetly, she smiled at your sleeping form. it was around 6:20am now and nat could let you sleep in but she doesn't want your food to get cold.

climbing into bed with you, your unconscious body instantly cuddles into her. she smiles at this action, she's glad that even when you're asleep, you find comfort in her. kissing your forehead and rubbing circles on your back, she whispers sweet nothings into your ear. that attempt at trying yo wake you didn't seem to work so she started to comb through your messy bed hair and rub your cheeks.

"mama?" you ask, half asleep. "yes detka?" natty asks, making you smile and cuddle into her more now that your conscious self is aware that it's your mother. "happy birthday mommy." you say, making natasha smile and think about what she did to deserve you.

yes, you got moody sometimes but you were sixteen years old, thats inevitable. she knows that teens drink, vape and stuff and although she's caught you trying a few times. she still believes you're a better teenager than others. you're nice and still hang out with your mom which puts you at the top in natasha's eyes.

"i love you detka. so much. i'm gonna cherish you for the rest of my life." she says, placing a small kiss onto your forehead. "i love you too, mama. i don't know what i would do without you. you're my whole life. you're my favorite." you reply, sinking into natasha's warmth.

"is that so? well guess what, you're my favorite too. always, even when you're being grouchy." natasha chuckles, you hum in response. unable to get words out as natasha is rubbing circles on your back. you're so comfortable right now that you're almost back into a deep slumber.

"alright sweet pea, time to get up or else your breakfast will get cold." your mom says, making you groan. "i was supposed to make you breakfast mama. it's your birthday." you said getting up and pouting at her. "yes, yes i know but i think the 39 gifts that you've been giving me once a day is more than enough. i'm excited to open my last one."

natasha kisses your pout away and picks you up off the bed. "what'd you make?" you ask, digging your head into the side of nat's neck. you were in fact sixteen but you were small enough for nat to carry. "i made pancakes, i'll put nutella on yours."

you smiled into natasha's chest, making her smile too. when you guys entered the kitchen, she placed you on the island as she began plating the food. "did you know that you're the best mom in the world?" you ask, staring intently at natasha.

"no because i'm a close second. mama melina is definitely the first." natasha says, her back still faced to you making you frown. "no. you're the best. grandma melina is second. not a close second, just second." you said, natasha finally turns around to face you.

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