its your birthday < scarlett >

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scarlett's age: 38
your age: 15
your dead dads age: would be 39 but he's dead so he's basically 31
your dead brother: he should be 18 but he's dead so he's basically 10
warnings: mention of dead family members, crying on your birthday, etc.
plot: it's your birthday! but around this time (2 days after), 8 years ago, your brother and dad were murdered so it brings back traumatic times.
a/n: it was my 14th birthday when i started this (april first) and now it's september so..


narrators pov

it's the day before your 15th birthday and you should be happy, anyone normally would be. but you? no, not really.

this month is the worst month of the year for you. well the month carried the worst day of your life in it, the day that changed everything for you so given it would be. you didn't even get to fully enjoy your birthday week, because two days after 2 men took that joy from you.

took your life away. their lives.

and it's all you could ever think about when someone mentioned your birthday to you. all you can ever remember are the pink decorations that still covered the house and the happy birthday banner that hung from the stairs.

funny because it wasn't a happy birthday at all. if it was their way of sending you a gift then they weren't very good gift givers.

two days after your birthday will mark the day that two men broke into your house and murdered your brother and father. two days after.

"baby?" scarlett says, interrupting your train of thought. she's lent against your door frame, with a small smirk on her face. real classic thing for her to do. "hm?" you hum in response, spinning your desk chair around to face her. "i was wondering-" she says but stops herself, making you raise an eyebrow at her.

"wondering what?" you ask, your facial features giving away your clear confusion. "are you okay?" she asks, she wasn't sure if she wanted to ask you just yet. "you were wondering if i was okay?" you ask still utterly confused. "no. i was wondering something else but i'll wonder it later. as of right now i want to know if you're okay." she states, pushing herself off the door frame and moving to see the pictures of you and her that sit on your desk.

"yes i'm okay." you say in a non-convincing tone, as you also turn to look at the photographs that were displayed. scarlett hums in response to make you feel heard, comfortable silence then fills the air as you both relive the experiences photographed in front of you.

"there are tear stains on your face, my love." scarlett says, breaking the silence. you don't reply, you just continue to look at the photographs. you weren't even aware that you had been crying, but that's what happens when you're so lost in your own thoughts.

scarlett gently cups your face after a few more seconds of silence. "wanna tell me what you're thinking about?" she asks in that soft, comforting tone that you've grown to adore. single tears start to roll down your face almost immediately but neither of you move.

your face stays in the soft hands of your mother as your lip wobbles some. "it's gonna be okay." she comforts and tears start rolling down your face rapidly. for some reason being here with her makes you feel a ping of guilt.

you don't deserve her.

she's the best mother you could ever ask for. anyone could ever ask for. she's always been such an understanding, gentle person. "can we just not right now please." you say quickly, moving out of the warmth that is your mothers hands.

a little too aggressively you wipe your tears and spin your desk chair so you're now facing away from scarlett. "we don't have to talk, but i need to know if i should be worried or not." scarlett does this a lot, she knows you'll talk whenever you're ready to but some things can't wait.

you sigh wondering if she should be. on one hand this is something that happened a long time ago but on the other it's still something that haunts you to this day. "you shouldn't worry." you finally speak, although your words come out in a rushed whisper.

"i do anyways."

she does anyways.

"i'll always worry about you, my love. even at good times, i worry for you. but listen to me okay?..," scarlett says, as she once again puts your tear stained face into the warmth of her soft hands. "i never want you to worry, okay? that's my job. so you take all that sadness and fear and just pass it onto me, yea?"

there's just something good about knowing that she cares enough about you to worry for you. she cares so much about you that she'll take care of you even if it means she can't be as focused on her career.

there's just something about her. about your mom. about THE scarlett johansson.

there's just some spark in her that drives people insane. something about her that allows people to connect with themselves. allows people to feel the way they need to feel. and allows people to seek comfort in things.

"i love you. i know i say it often and after a while it's just three simple words but i really, really do mommy. and i appreciate you so much."

"a mother is her child's first love"

is a phrase that everyone wishes they can relate to. some can but many can't. most moms stay but most moms aren't their child's first love.


this is short but i kinda like it.

also, sorry that i haven't been writing, i don't even know why i stopped suddenly but i'm trying to get back into it!

give me suggestions on what to write about please!!

as always, i love you guys so much and if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm here for you.

word count: 1022

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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