unfair bedtime < N.R >

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y/n's age: 13
natasha's age: 33
warnings: none that i can think of
plot: you having a bedtime even though you're a teenager ig, idk. i don't even know tbh. i thought of this cause some kid in my class was talking about him having a bedtime.. and i was shocked
a/n: you and natasha are the only people in this, you don't live in the compound.


narrators pov

it was almost ten pm on a wednesday night, and you were playing a scary game on roblox (or wtv game you want. i don't play games so that's the only one i can even think of..) with your friends. you were at your desk, using your laptop to play and your phone for the facetime call.

"omg, omg y/n! get in the closet!!!" one of your friends, y/f/n screamed through the phone. "i'm trying!" you screamed back, very frustrated over the possibility of dying. "YESS!! WE BEAT IT!!" you all screamed in unison. "okay so what should we play next?" another person asks.

"uhm-" you start to say but stop when you get a text message.

мамочка 💕

i'll be up in a minute

as you read the message you groaned. "what's wrong?" your friends ask. "i can't play, i just remembered that i have some homework to do, i'll talk to you guys later." you rush and hang up the phone before they could question you. unfortunately for you Natasha demeaned it necessary for you to have a bedtime.

so every single night (since you turned 13) she came up at exactly ten pm to tuck you in. once you became a teenager, you begged her to let you go to sleep whenever, you even promised to go to sleep at reasonable times and to get up when needed but she still refused. she did at least change it to ten, since before it was nine pm.

the problem here was you really wanted to continue playing with your friends. and also the fact that Natasha had sent you upstairs an hour and a half ago to start getting ready for bed and you had only been playing games. you didn't shower, brush your teeth, change your clothes, brush your hair, nothing.

"y/n?" you heard as a knock ran through your door. "oh my god." you mumbled, under your breath knowing that you were about to get scolded. "come in, mama." you said louder so she could hear, which she did. entering your room, she immediately picked up the fact that you were still in your dance clothes.

"you didn't shower?" she asked, although she knew you couldn't have. "no, not yet." you replied, moving your eyesight from the women standing by your room door to your hands. "what do you mean, 'not yet' y/n. it's time for bed."

"i'm gonna get ready for bed right now." you said, jumping into action to grab your clothes for a shower. "nu uh. what were you doing up here all this time then?" Natasha asks, making you shrug you shoulders. "you don't know?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

"no." you mumbled out, loud enough for her to hear. "y/n don't lie to me. what were you doing?" she asks again, sternly. you only looked at her for a brief second before sighing and putting your clothes for a shower on your bed. "i'm sorry." you said all of a sudden feeling guilty under her stares, while also sitting back down on your desk chair.

"y/n. you haven't answered my question." Natasha reminded, getting upset at the fact that you're keeping something from her. "it's nothing, i was just playing a game with my friends and i lost track of time." you sighed, resting your head in your heads.

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now