bad mood < nat >

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y/n's age: 6
natasha's age: 28
plot: nat is in a bad mood
warnings: raising voice
a/n: i love you guys


narrators pov

you skip into the common room, humming. "hey little widow." clint greets, sending you a smile. "hi clint, what are you doing?" you ask, sitting next to him on the couch. "nothing really just watching a movie. what are you up to?" he asks, making you start thinking about what you wanna do.

"nothing. i was just walking around, i might go see what mama's doing." you said, getting up. "okay, but be careful. she hasn't been in the best mood today." clint warns, making you giggle. "she's never mad at me, i'll be fine." you smile, skipping and humming while walking into the elevator.

"what floor?" the A.I asks. "the one that has my moms office on it please." you hum, smiling proudly.

when the elavator stopped you made your way to your mothers office, skipping and humming along the way. you would hum to the tone of "cry your heart out." by adele. < great song >

you would knock on your moms office door but you're her daughter so it doesn't matter. when you opened her office door, you were immediately taken back. "stark! what did i say! go away! goodness my 6 year old daughter listens more than you." nat raised her voice, not looking up from her computer.

you stood still for a second before saying, "it's just me mama.." you say, closing her office door. natasha immediately brought her head up to look at you. "oh, i'm sorry moya lyubov', i thought you were-" natasha started to apologize but you cut her off. < my love >

"uncle tony," you giggled. "i know, you only call him stark when you're mad." you laugh more, walking over to your mother and tapping your lips. natasha smiled before giving you a peck on the lips.

satisfied, you made your way to the couch in your mothers office. (specifically there for when nat was working late and you wanted to be by her) "is there something you needed, detka?" she asks, bringing her eyes back to her work. < baby >

"uhm no. not really." you say, laying down. "not really?" nat asks, still not paying you much attention. "i just mean no. i was just looking for you." you lie, you wanted nat to play with you but she didn't seem in the mood to play.

"okay, if you need anything tell me alright." she says, making you hum in agreement.


after a few minutes, you became bored. "uhm, mama? where's my ipad?" you ask. "uh it's- oh sorry detka it's after five, no ipad." natasha says, looking at the time making her change her original answer. you groan in response, you hate that rule. < baby >

"but i'm bored." you whine, kicking your feet up and down on the couch. "i know but you can't use the ipad, lyubov'. how about something else? you like to color, do that." nat suggests, saying anything off the top of her head. she really needed to finish working and you were making that very difficult. < love >

"but i don't wanna color!" you whine louder, hitting your tiny fists on the couch cushion. "okay, y/n." nat says, not saying anything else. you rolled your eyes at the fact that she just gave up.

you got up and made your way to nats desk, pulling her pants slightly. "yes, y/n?" nat sighs, getting annoyed at you very quickly. "i'm hungry." you say, as your stomach grumbles.

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now