no missions < nat >

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this is a request from Romanoffs_daughter
i hope you like it 🙂

loveforwanda widowswife00 read it first

y/n's age: 15
natasha's age: 38
plot: y/n wants to go on a mission but nat says no.
a/n: this is bad lol
warnings: GSW, mention of blood/bleeding, gun, missions, fighting, raising of voice


narrators pov

"pleaseee." you beg, as you follow natasha into the common room of the compound. "no." she says, firmly. making everyone in the room, turn their attention to the conversation.

"yes." you reply, firmly to mock her. "absolutely not. you're 15." she replys, sitting down by the corner of the couch. "what are we talking about?" steve asks, clearly asking the question everyone wanted to know.

"y/n wants to go on a mission. i said no. she's being aggravating." nat says, turning her attention to "my girl" as it plays on the tv. "i'm being aggravating?" you scoff, making her look up at you with a glare.

"yes, you are. no means no. i'm not changing my mind." she says, sternly. turning back to the tv. "when did you go on your first mission?" you ask, trying to prove a point. you didn't know anything about your mothers past but you did know she was on missions most her life. < no means no. if you think differently then leave. > (in the case of SA, or harassment. if your parents say no, beg.)

your question brought the attention back to the conversation as clint immediately looked at natasha. "this isn't about me. what i say goes, and that's final." nat says, without emotion. she knew you meant no harm and that you didn't know what you were asking but it still brought up memories that she didn't wanna relive.

"then it is about you, isn't it? if what you say goes then it's all about you and what you think." you say, attitude coating your words. "y/n." natasha warns, not wanting to have this conversation in front of the entire team. "fine. i'm going to sleep." you say, rolling your eyes as you made your way upstairs.

when you got to your room, you slammed the door and jumped on your bed. you hated how protective natasha was of you. it was so annoying. she got to go on missions but you have to stay home all by yourself. it isn't fair.


"detka?" you hear natasha's voice ask from the other side of the door, as she knocks. "hm." you mutter, rolling over so your back faces the door. "can i come in?" she asks, already putting her hand on the door handle but waiting for your permission. < baby >

"i guess." you mutter again. "can we talk?" she asks, as she makes her way to the edge of your bed. "right now?" you ask, still not looking in her direction. "yes right now." you audibly groan, digging your head deep into the pillow.

"i'll talk and you listen then. look, i don't want you going on missions because they're risky and i can't lose you, y/n. and i know i trained you for this type of stuff but that's for emergencies. what kind of mother would i be if i put you in danger?"

"i know that it may not seem fair, and that i'm not being reasonable but i promise you i am. do you understand?" she asks, but you remained silent. "you don't have to respond but we have a last minute mission tomorrow. ill see you before i leave, moya 'lyubov." < my love >

with that she leaves your room.


you had used about ten minutes to process what natasha had just told you before you headed to the training room. natasha kept her old suits in a box, next to her weapons. you couldn't take any of her weapons because they were on display and she would notice them gone.

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now