stealing < nat >

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y/n's age: 7
morgan's age: 7
natasha's age: 30
plot: you steal something (obviously)
warnings: stealing? and getting in trouble?
a/n: uhm i've been so inactive and this is shit so im sorry lol


narrators pov (honestly this part has nothing to do with the story at all as of right now so idk why i added it)

"detka?" natasha calls out for you, walking around the compound. no response. "where are you?" she calls again, still she's met with silence. "hey clint. have you seen y/n?" natasha asks, while clint is making tea. < baby >

"mm, uh i think she might be in the training room with steve." he says, trying to recall when he last seen you. "okay, thank you!" nat says, leaving the kitchen.

"y/n?" natasha asks walking into the training room. "mama!" you sob, running into her arms. "hey moya lyubov' i missed you so much." natasha says, holding you close to her. "i thought you were never gonna come back." you sobbed out. < my love >

"aw detka, i will always come back for you. i could never live without you. don't be sad." she comforted your tiny shaking figure. "who told you that i wasn't coming back? was it steve?" natasha said, getting very defensive. < baby >

"no, it's just you were gone for so long." you mumbled, your cries dying down. "i'm sorry, come on let's go watch some movies."


"come on morgan, don't be a scaredy cat." you taunt. "i'm not a scaredy cat!" morgan defends, stomping her foot. "then take it!" you taunt again.

you and morgan had been left in the care of tony stark, due to the fact that natasha and pepper were busy. tony had been down in his lab all day, not before he gave you guys the 'be good or i'll sell all your toys' lecture obviously.

recently, with the help of observing natasha a lot, you had picked up on how to online shop. you and morgan had gotten in a little (big) trouble the other day, leading to you both not being able to get new toys. (natasha and pepper would take u both weekly, with tony's card ofc.)

"i don't know about this y/n, it isn't right to steal." morgan whines, shifting slightly at the thought of using her dads money without his permission. "it's not stealing if it's your dad plus your mom uses his cards all the time. what's the difference if you do?"

"well my moms an adult and she's not on punishment." morgan says, snarkly. "we're not on punishment, we just couldn't get toys." you say, rolling your eyes slightly. "sounds like punishment to me, why can't we just use your moms money?" morgan asks.

"1. because my mom doenst just leave her stuff (money) laying around to take. 2. she'd notice 3. it's stupid to steal from a spy." you said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "well when you put it like that, you make it sound like i asked a dumb question. i can't do this, i don't wanna risk it."

"fine. i'm gonna go color, come with me?" you ask, changing topics very fast. "sure!"


"it wasn't me, i didn't do it!" morgan cries, standing in front of pepper. "so you didn't take julia's stuffed animal?" pepper says, clearly not believing morgan.

you and morgan had a play date with this girl in your class named julia last week. you may or may not have gaslit her into thinking she lost her stuffed animal even though she very clearly saw morgan take it. you and morgan were a team, one of you would want something. morgan would do the dirty work. if you get caught morgan takes the blame.

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