Academic validation (Scarlett)

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Y/N's age: 12
Scarlett's age: 32
Plot: the title ig.
AN: This is kinda a vent ig. I'm not sure, I'm not having a very good day. I'm trying my best but obviously it's not good enough.

Narrator's pov

Sunday, November 15th at 11:25

There you were again, sitting at your desk studying. The last time you were at school, you took a practice test. You got a 75% and most kids would be happy they passed, but you... oh no. You took this as you weren't good enough. You had to get higher on the real test.

This was punishment for you, and sadly it happens very often. If you didn't like your score which meant if it wasn't the highest it could be, then it wasn't good enough, you weren't good enough.

You were scribbling stuff down on your paper, you were so frustrated with yourself. You hadn't eaten, or done anything with yourself other then study since you got home.

You had headphones in and some tears were streaming down your face. The only light that was on, was the desk lamp. All of a sudden you heard,

"Y/N? What are you still doing up? You have school tomorrow... is everything okay?" Scarlett said, with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm okay just studying." You said, taking off your headphones so you could hear her better. She always knocked, so you assumed you didn't hear it. You made sure not to look at her, you didn't want her to see you crying.

"Still? You've been studying since you got home, time for bed." She replied, now sitting on your bed. "I can't, I have a test tomorrow. I don't wanna fail."
You said, still writing down notes. "Y/N... It'll be alright. You won't fail, you never do. You have to sleep. It's what keeps you pretty." She said, coming towards you.

"Who cares if I'm pretty if I fail my test!" You said raising your voice. You looked at her, and you seen her face drop. She immediately had a sad expression on her face, seeing you cry made her heart ache.

"Baby? Why are you crying? What's wrong?" She asked, pulling you into her embrace. "Nothing, I'm just- I'm just tired that's all." You lied, you were tired but that wasn't the problem.

"Okay, let's get you into bed then. We'll talk more tomorrow." She said, which made you wonder about what. Did your lie not work? Of course it didn't, you looked at her with a "do we really have to talk" expression and she shot you a "yes" expression.

You sighed, and got into bed. She kissed you goodnight, and then left. You needed to finish studying but before you knew it, you feel asleep.


The next morning

You had gotten ready for the day, and headed downstairs hoping your mother had forgotten about last night.

"Morning, mom" you said, walking into the kitchen to see Scarlett cooking something. "Good morning, baby. How'd you sleep? Considering you got some?" She asked, looking at you with a questioning and motherly look. She knew you, and how sometimes you didn't listen to her and she wasn't sure if you went to sleep when she asked you to.

"I got sleep and it was fine. I have to go before Ralph leaves. I love you." You said, trying to avoid any questions. "No, it's okay. I'm taking you also, why would Ralph leave you I pay him to take you to school."

"I don't know" you mumbled, sighing and sitting back down. You knew that you couldn't escape her now.

(After a few minutes of awkward silence)

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now