beach night < scar >

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y/n's age: 13
scarlett's age: 33
plot: you and your mom go to the beach
warnings: none
a/n: i'm really sorry for being so inactive, school is back as you know and i have no motivation to write anything. not sure why, but i'm hoping i get my rhythm back.


you were extremely bored, you had plans today but your friend ended up getting grounded so now you had nothing to do. scarlett had been in her office all day. she had planned to work all day, due to the fact that you were going out but now well, you were just scrolling through tiktok.

you came across a video of these girls at the beach and you immediately knew what you wanted to do today. you jumped out of bed and made your way to your mothers office. the second you opened her office door, she screamed. "omg y/n. you're back early. i thought you were an intruder." scarlett says, as she relaxes once more.

"i never even went out." you pout, as you go sit on the couch in scarlett's office. "why not?" scarlett asks, raising an eyebrow as she gives you her full attention. "well cause f/n got grounded. i didn't mention it to you last night?" you ask, confused as to why you didn't tell her. "nope, remember last night you were in a mood." scarlett shrugged, now understanding what that was about.

"oh yea, cause i was really looking forward to today and her parents ruined it for me." you pout, once again. "you couldn't have gone with different friends?" scarlett suggests, since there was still time to go out. "i could've but i'd feel bad since she can't go." you said, sighing. "well i guess. so you've just been home all day? did you eat?" scarlett asks.

"uhm, i ate some chips.. well i didn't finish them but still." you say, not even thinking about your hunger. "are you hungry?" scarlett asks, already pulling out her phone to order takeout. "uh yea i guess, i wasn't even thinking about food."

"alright, what are you in the mood for? subs? tacos? burgers? whatever you want." she asks, giving you options. "uhm, pasta?" you ask, making scarlett chuckle. you love pasta. "sure. what kind? alfredo chicken?" she asks, already knowing you were gonna say yes because it's your favorite. "mhm."


"i totally forgot, i came into your office to ask if we could go to the beach but it's kinda too late now." you said, stuffing pasta into your mouth. "yea, if you were thinking about getting in the water. but we can go and watch the sunset, if you're still up for it. and then if you wake up early enough we can have a beach day tomorrow." scarlett suggests, cutting up her steak.

"yes! yes! yes! we should totally watch the sunset!!" you exclaimed, making scarlett laugh at your excitement. "alright, after you're done eating all of your food, we'll get ready to go." scarlett said, making you nod your head and rush to finish your food. scarlett only shook her head at your action. the sun wouldn't set for atleast 2 more hours.

"okay come on y/n! you've been getting ready for so long! we aren't even getting in the water, what could be taking you so long!" scarlett yelled from downstairs, as she collected her keys. "sorry! i was looking for my sandals." you said, rushing downstairs. "it's okay, i just don't want us to miss the sunset." scarlett said, as she kissed your forehead and lead you out the door.

you jumped into the passenger seat, making scarlett send you a glare. she doesn't like when you sit in the front, it makes her more anxious in the case of a car accident. "y/n." scarlett warns, as she gives you that mom look. "please? just for tonight? i won't ask again." you beg, with a pout. you and scarlett both knew you would definitely ask her again.

scarlett just rolled her eyes back at you, making you let out a little cheer. "put on your seatbelt before i make you sit in the back." scarlett scolded, as she seen that you didn't have one on. "right, right!" you said, smiling back at your mom as you strapped in.

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now