the aftermath < scar >

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y/n's age: 14
colins/scarlett's age: 34
plot: the aftermath of arguing, basically colin being an amazing father figure. ( colin is your step-dad )
warnings: arguing, mention of arguing, awkwardness? i'm sorry idk what to put but tell me if i miss something
a/n: heyyy, i hope you are all doing alright. i love you guys


narrators pov ( as always )

"hey." you say, sort of awkwardly walking into the kitchen. "hey." colin replys back. "where's my mom?" you ask, seeing as she's not in the kitchen. "upstairs." he replied. "to avoid me?" you ask, as the thought suddenly crossed your mind.

"i'm not sure. but uhm- are you alright? last night was pretty eventful." colin asks, genuinely feeling bad for you. colin spent the previous night listening to you and scarlett argue downstairs, which ended in you being grounded, and an angry scarlett that colin had to deal with.

"eh i'm not sure. i don't wanna talk to her anyways so it's best we spend time apart." you shrug, grabbing some snacks for school. "well if you ever need to talk i'm here." colin adds, being genuine.

"so you can report it to the wicked witch of the south? thanks but no thanks." you joke, chuckling a little making colin crack a small smile. "she isn't that bad, take it from me. you and your mother argue a whole lot less than i did with my mother. you're a good kid y/n." colin adds, making you smile a little.

"well your wife doesn't seem to think so." you sigh. "she does, she just wants you to be safe." he says, making you shrug your shoulders. "i don't know but i have to get to school or i'll be late. and i don't want to give her another reason to yell at me." you say before running upstairs to grab your house key.

"are you walking home from school?" colin asks, as you pass the kitchen again. "yea cause you have work and i don't wanna be in an awkward car ride." you say, intentionally loud so your mother could hear. "alright, let me know if you change your mind." he replies. "i would but i don't have a phone." you say, before exiting the house.


"you're seriously grounded?" one of your friends ask. "yep, she was being seriously unreasonable. it's so annoying." you say, rolling your eyes at the memory of last night. "how long are you grounded for?" your bsf asks, opening her gym locker. "i wish i knew, i got the "you're grounded until further notice" line. and i didn't speak to her this morning or see her in that matter."

"you're ignoring her?" she asks, closing her locker. "i like to think it's a mutual thing, it's not like she made an effort to see or speak to me." you say, searching your bag for a hair tie. "that sucks." your friend added. "very much so but i'm not going to let it ruin my day. we're all walking home together and that is always fun so that's something to look forward to."


after school (oop)

"isn't that your moms BMW?" your friend asks, point to your mothers white car. "what?!" you ask, turning your head almost immediately. "you have got to be kidding me. i said i wanted to walk home. she's so frustrating!" you whine, trying not to stare in the direction of her car.

"why don't you just act like you didn't see her and start walking?" your bsf asks. "so she can literally kill me? absolutely not. i'll see you guys tomorrow." you say, waving goodbye as you made your way to your mothers car.

she watched you walk up and unlocked the car door. you being you decided to not only sit in the back seat but in the seat directly behind hers. no words were exchanged in the car ride home. no hello's, no how are you's, nothing.

Scarlett/Natasha's daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now