2 ~ The First Day

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Ruhani POV

Taking a sharp breath, I forced my lashes to open. The comfortable bed below me made me sleep last night in no time, even after a horrible encounter with Sultan.

Pushing the comforter aside, I try to straighten myself. My ears noticed the faded sound of anklet bells of women roaming around me. I moved my thick braid backwards as I tried to step down from the bed.

Parting the curtains aside, I noticed that the chamber was lit with countless candles all around. The attendees were busy with their daily chores, which they had already started cleaning and dusting.

Suddenly an attendee caught my attention.

"Begum Sahiba, you are asked to get ready for the first family breakfast,"

She informed, and I thinned my eyebrows a little. But I nodded otherwise. She signalled me to follow her, and I did as she asked me to. This place was still very new to me. I had not even seen the Kingdom yet.

Undoubtedly, it was vast and beautiful. The chamber smells like mild jasmine and various fragrant oils. My steps were slow as I noticed the precious details of the stone carving done on the walls and roofs. There were roses, petals, the long and thin stems designed beautifully on each pillar.

In the middle was the big bed on which I slept last night, and the walls of the chamber were carved with square hollows for candles. There were candle stands near all the eighteen pillars in the chamber, which were aligned in a round shape to support the enormous roof. My sight diverted to the rounded dome in the middle of which was a thick iron chain to which a huge chandelier was hanging.

The colour of chamber was light brown in colour, with matching carpets under the bed and under the huge set of four couches and tables. Maybe it was for meeting people as it was between the bed and the door.

The chamber was finely round in shape and attached to a thick gallery. The attendee pushed the door open and muttered.

"This way, Begum,"

I nodded silently.

I climbed the three stairs to walk passed the door and walked silently with her through the gallery. It also had candle stands every small distance, and there were small chandeliers hanging too. They were beautiful.

Suddenly she stopped near the door in the middle of the gallery. She pushed the door open and asked me.

"This way, Begum,"

I nodded and smiled weakly.

"This is the Royal Hammam, you and Sultan are meant to share it,"

She smiled teasingly, and the words made my heart race. I sucked on my lips a little as I remembered what just happened last night. I did not know what I should expect from him now. The love I had for him for fourteen years shattered in only a moment. The one to whom I had already given my everything just walked away like that.

But, it would pass, just like the last eighteen years of my life. Me and my loneliness.

I smiled back at her and walked inside the bathing room. My steps automatically turned slow as I looked at the fantastic scene before me. The pungent smell of fresh roses and bathing oils hit my nose. Walking down the three stairs, I walked more inside the bathing room. It was also round, and in the middle was the round pool. Thin cotton curtains of white colours were hanging, covering the water area.

An attendee closed the door behind us, and I noticed that there were a few attendees there, preparing for my bath.

"You should take off your clothes,"

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