36 ~ Just Hold My Wrist

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Ruhani POV

I looked at his face. It was carrying a serious look. Though, not serious as a King but as a teasing husband. 

I gulped nervously and he brought his face even closer. I felt his naked chest almost touching mine afraid he would notice my hard nipples.

Thankfully, my bosom was not big, just round and enough big to be noticeable.

"I know you love books and reading,"

He mutters in a slow voice and it gives butterflies in my stomach. Not that he mentioned 'Books' but the way he spoke so slowly yet appealing.

He cups my cheek and I noticed his eyes frequently gazing at my lips. My heart was beating insanely fast and to race it even more he exclaimed.

"I know you love your family too,"

His voice turned slower and even hotter.

I knew he knew everything about me and doing this all to tease me. But, I also knew what he wanted right now.

"And, I know that y-"

I cut him off by putting my index finger on his lips. His time was done teasing me. I wanted my turn now. There was an immense urge in me to taste those lips.

His eyes turned confused and I raked my index finger from his lips to the chin, followed by the chiseled jawline and then that attractive neck.

His Adam's Apple moved when he gulped and it made me feel affected in a thousand ways. I wanted to press my lips to that neck again. Wanted to feel the same as what I felt while marking his neck. His pleasant smell drove me crazy.

My eyes were shamelessly drawn towards his neck and the golden plain chain he was wearing.

Unknowingly, my finger traced his chain and entangled it circling around the finger twice.

I lifted my gaze back to his lips and tried to stand up on my toes to reach up to his lips. But, as always, my height could not reach up to his lips and there my finger played the role of pulling his neck closer with the help of the chain.

His face leaned in closer and I slowly touched his lips with mine. My body disbalance a little as I realized that he was raking his wide hands on my naked back. Which was slowly reaching to my hips.

I sucked his lips once and then twice again before he lowered his hand and grabbed my lower back pulling me closer. My heart pounded insanely but it made me feel confident too because it was making me realize that I was driving him crazy as much as he does.

My lips moved and sucked his lips softly, delaying the pull purposely, and my hands moved in anticipation around his neck.

I felt him smiling and kept sucking those soft intoxicating lips. Keeping it slow, I let my lips shower all the love I have collected for him. Ruining all the doubts and confusions to ashes.

Suddenly, he grabbed my thighs and pulled me a little above making my legs balance around his waist. He took a step forward to make the wall support my back and started returning the pleasure with his lips.

I felt exposed as my bosom came out of the water but felt equally protected with his huge arms around me with utmost care and love.

We both were savoring each other lips with softness. My eyes closed completely into the moment and felt he was indulged too.

He was sucking my lower lip while mine were darted on his upper. They were moving in sync to taste each other like never before. Slowly I felt his tongue coming into play as he used it to suck me better and it sent a chill down my spine. Its warmness was breathtaking but he just did enough to make me go crazy.

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