39 ~ His Everything is Mine

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Ruhani POV

"Where were you? the whole day, Mehram?"

He asked politely and I nervously shook my head signifying nowhere and nothing important. He smiled and came closer pecking his lips softly on my forehead.

"You already look so tired. I hope this work is not draining your health,"

I chuckled a little at the soft and pleasing words. He was worried for me.

He took a step back and looked back into my eyes. My eyes looked into his as he closely noticed my face for a moment and muttered slowly.

"What is it?"

I gulped nervously, not confident enough to disclose what I noticed. I did not want any blunders to happen without proof and telling him right away would surely bring one of them to life.

And, the best thing to prevent it was a smile with a kiss.

I smiled widely showing I much I loved it when he looked worried for me and leaned in to kiss his chest with affection.

But, I needed the keys to that Almirah. I was certain it had some important records which I needed for my investigation.

I take a few steps back and looked at him. 

"Come, I am hungry,"

He said and I stopped him by holding his hand. His eyebrows leans in between making them furrow a little and I pulled him a little to walk with me.

I took him closer to the Almirah and signaled him asking what was inside.

He chuckled a little and looked back at me from the wooden Almirah.

"So, you want to read only print texts?"

He asked and I smiled hiding the suspicion behind it. Though, he understood from my facial expression that I did not know anything about Only Print Texts.

"It had the old and only copies of books ever written. You want to see?"

He asked with a wide smile and I nodded immediately.

"Wait for a moment,"

He said and walked a little away. I looked at him closely as he walked to a bookshelf in a corner and took out a book. He opened it and took out a key. He turned his gaze to me showing me the same and spoke in a slow voice.

"Everything here is a secret, Ruhani. I survived three murder attempts and seven deadly war attacks. Still, unable to know the reason why my death would benefit my enemies. Our Sultanate is nearly poor and weak. Our only strength is the blessings of my Father that somehow protected me every time I was close to death,"

I gulped frightened a little at the little piece of information he shared while putting the book back on the shelf. I kept looking at him as he turned himself and walks closer to me.

"I know a few things in the Sultanate would surprise you. It also surprised me when I visited other Sultanates. But, I trust my mother with everything. When no one was there for me, she stayed by my side. We three were very small when she was offered another alliance with her hand and responsibility of the Sultanate. She could have enjoyed her youth but rather she strengthened me to keep everything to us that my father left for us,"

I nodded and looked at his hand showing the keys to me. I felt goosebumps with the stare and the seriousness of his tone. This was the first time, I heard the Sultan talking to me.

"But, you are my Queen now. You deserve to have whatever is mine. This Sultanate, this power, this responsibility, this pain, and this advantages everything is yours just like me. All you have to do is to order under the stamps,"

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now