78 ~ Playful Aahil

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Ruhani POV

Our journey to the Hind started and it was a really long one to have. Almost a month would take to reach there and it would be extremely tiring yet exciting as my whole family were with me.

We travelled during the day nonstop and then used to relax at the night. There was a long river that used to flow from Arab to Hind directly. We used it always as our direction to reach there. 

The upcoming three weeks were slightly easy to pass than the last week. We turned insanely tired of travelling but Aahil seemed like enjoying it.

He, my father and my brother with the few high ranks that had only joined the convoys were often involved in horse racing and practising sword fights.

I heard him laughing, enjoying and getting along with us.

And, when it became impossible for us ladies to bear the pain of sitting in the palanquin the whole day. He allowed us to ride the horses but only in the less risky places.

"No one can beat me,"

Haider screamed with a puffed, proud chest looking at us.

Aahil laughed looking at him and I looked at my mother who had also joined us in the race today.

It was me, my father, my mother, my brother, Ghazal and Aahil standing in the line with our horses. We ladies had changed into warrior clothes as we also decided to race today.

The convoy was slow and when we were just a week away from the Hind, we told them to come slowly while we reach there faster.

"Are you all ready?"

My father asked with a loud voice and my mother chuckled.

"We are but are you ready to lose the race,"

My father laughed and said in a teasing tone.

"Begum, remember what you have to do if you lose the race,"

His smirk was genuine and I looked at Aahil who looked at me with a wide smirk.

I knew what he was thinking and somehow I blushed with the second sense of the words, my father said to my mother.

"Are we going in couples?"

Haider suddenly asked and we all looked at him.

"Haider, I think you are the only one who is not coupled yet,"

I said teasing him and he came closer to stand beside me.

"Seems like you are not my sister, Ruhu,"

Aahil laughed and my father also heard us.

"Ammijaan, tell me you picked her from the garbage,"

Haider said and my father suddenly interrupted.

"Hey, do not you dare call my daughter that? You could be picked from Garbage. She is my blood,"

Ammi laughed hearing him and I showed my brother a winning smile.

"Come on, Haider, you come with me, aww,"

Aahil teased him and he patted his shoulder by sitting on his horse, as he was standing beside me.

"Fine, we are going in couples,"

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