35 ~ What gives you pleasure?

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Ruhani POV

I walked to the Hammam first to take a quick bath before starting the day. The thought of cooking a delicious and healthy meal struck my mind.

After taking a really quick bath I came back to the chamber and found him sleeping. The medicine surely had sleeping agents otherwise this man was the grandfather of horses who sleeps the least.

I silently walked into the dressing area and got dressed in yellow plain attire. I only chose the mandatory jewelry to wear and went to the kitchen.

Nagina joined me too and we both prepared Sheer khurma with dry dates, especially for him. I platted a bowl filled with it and walked back to the chamber.

By the time I reached, I could not find him in the bed. I moved my sight to all the corners of the chamber but he was not there.

The thought of him being in the Hammam hit my mind and I put the Sheer Khurma on the table.

I walked out of the chamber heading towards the Hammam. My heartbeats started racing as I was reaching the bathing area. But, I had to consider that my very own husband was sick.

I inhaled a deep breath before entering the Hammam. But before, my sight could register the visuals before me, the pleasant smell of bathing oils and flowers enhanced my senses.

Afterward, my eyes landed on the Sultan in the pool along with a few female attendees helping him to take a bath.

He looked at me and his lips curved into a small smile.


He states slowly and I see all the attendees making their way out of the Hammam.

The very next moment I found myself and him alone and I knew what I had to do now.

I walked past the whole pool and reached the other side where he was standing. It was deep until his chest in that area and less deep on the side which was closer to the entrance.

I sat behind him and took the metallic jug. Filling it with the water, I resumed the work that those attendees were doing.

I emptied the jug over his shoulder and exhaled a deep breath. He rested his head against the thick boundary and it touched my thigh too. As I was sitting just behind him.

He closed his eyes as I continued giving him a bath. I applied the thick bathing paste made of herbal soil with antibiotics.

I started from his neck and raked my fingers to his arm going through the shoulders.

His fever seems less as he was looking relaxed. My eyes stole glances at his face and those thick eyelashes glowing in the yellow candle lights with the wetness of water.

His black wet hair dripping water that landed on his shoulder and then traveled to his big chest.

He gulped slowly and I noticed his neck. The adam's apple moving made me skip my few heartbeats.

I blinked nervously as I realized that once again I was being affected by his presence like this.

Then, suddenly he moved and looked at me. For an instance, I was scared to death but then realized everything was fine.

He turned himself towards and I noticed him touching my legs. I blinked confusingly as he pulled my legs towards him and then placed his hand on either side of my waist.

No, I have already taken bath.

I screamed internally and try to shake my head. But, it turns out to be very late to protest as he quickly pulled me into the pool.

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now