49 ~ A Loving Sultan

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Ruhani POV

I made the first attack and he lost his pawn. He sucked on his lower lip with a devilish smile and I picked up the pen and paper. I thought about a question for a moment and then asked.

'What is your favorite food?'

He read the question aloud and looked at me flipping the paper off his lap.

"This is so simple. Anything you'd love to make for me,"

Clever. I blushed hard.

"My turn,"

He said and looked back at the chess closely. He gave me a devilish smile and attacked my knight.

Shit! I had not thought about protecting my knight while killing his pawn. Now his bishop killed my knight.

I gulped and he looked at me. He thought for some time and then asked.

"Who is the person you hate the most?"

He asked and I smiled. 


I picked up the pen and paper and wrote.

'No one,'

He looked at me and asked.

"No one?"

I nodded.

"Do not you hate Rabia?"

He asked and I almost chuckled.

I looked down at the paper and wrote.

'I do not hate Rabia as a person but I surely hate her deeds. A person is much more beyond his deeds. We cannot hate something that is gifted by God itself and is so sacred and spiritual. Though the deeds make a person bad or good. But, still, a person should not be hated but his deeds should be,'

He read hovering over my lap over the chess and thinning his eyebrows.

"And you think a person and his deeds are two different things. If we go by this logic then all the winnings and slaughtering of people are just useless because they were never wrong as their deeds were wrong,"

He questioned and I looked at him. My eyebrows also furrowed and I inhaled a deep breath. I held my pen firmly again and dipped it into the ink bottle.

'You are a Sultan. You have the responsibility of making decisions. You give people their punishments by judging their deeds. But, does that make you hate them? We all make decisions within the boundaries of our own surroundings, situations, conditions, environments, and discretions to the best of our capabilities. Sometimes the decisions are spiced up with the emotions such as anger, lust, love, hatred, and fear. And, that is what we call deeds. We do not understand what made a person make such a decision until we are in his shoe. And, certainly, we cannot judge until we know all his perspectives if is right or wrong. You punish them according to your discretion. Like, if their deeds are wrong in the public interest or your interest then you will surely punish them by death to put restrain them from making another such mistake. But you and that person are made of the same flesh and blood making you both a person but the deeds divided you. And, for me, it is good to forgive someone if his deeds are forgivable and you can only do that by keeping the person and his deed far apart. That is how I do not hate Rabia as a person but not like her either because of her deeds,'

I showed him and felt a little nervous. I noticed his eyes carefully scanning the words and I gulped nervously.

The silence followed for a long and he looked at me.

"Such a mature prospect, Ruhani. Are you sure you are just nineteen?"

He asked and I laughed.

"You talk like my grandmother. Ruhani being grandmother,"

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