21 ~ Re-wedding Planning

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Ruhani POV

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Ruhani POV

It was late night and I was ready for the family dinner. I had changed to the fresh pair of clothes, a long cotton night gown that was imported from the western countries by my father.

Yes, In the last decades we came to the more Empires in western countries. And, now the practice of sea exploration was on peak.

Well, every month the main informer visits our Sultanate who keeps us updated with the international affairs. And, being the best child of my father, I get to know about most the news.

I looked at myself again in the mirror and tied my long hair into the bun.

It was just one day and I was already missing him. I thought, the visit would help me to get over him, I meant the crush I had on him but no it was intensifying my feelings.

I signed and placed the duppatta on my head.


I caught off-guard when Nandani called all of sudden entering my chamber.

She scanned the chamber and looked at me.

"There, you are,"

She said and walked towards me.

Well, her full name was Rajnandani, but we all call her Nandani. And, she was full of surprises.

I smiled looking at her and she came and hugged me tightly.

"Done bathing and dressing?"

She asked releasing the hug and I nodded.

"Then let's go for the dinner. Bua sa has asked for you,"

She told, Bua sa was the thing she used to call my mother.

I nodded and we both walked to the dining room.

The dinner was ready and my sight landed on everyone. My brothers, mothers, father and cousins.

"Where were you Ruhani? We were waiting for you,"

Rehman Bhaijaan said and I smiled looking at him.

'I was taking the bath'

I signalled him and he smiled back.

"Come, sit with me,"

He asked and my father spoke all of sudden.

"No, my baby is sitting with me,"

He smiled and then suddenly Badi Ammi interfered.

"Stop you father and son banter. My child is sitting with me. Come Ruhani,"

She called and I laughed.

Yes, I was everyone's favourite and surprisingly I knew about everyone more than they knew about themselves. Because, I was the person whom people could trust easily as I never shares anybody's things with anyone.

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