65 ~ A Conversation and Decision

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Ruhani POV

My head felt heavy, and my body was weak even to move an inch. 

But I wanted to pee, and it was morning now. Time to get up. 

I lifted my gaze and adjusted to the lights falling into the chamber. Inhaling a deep breath, I raked my eyes around the chamber and then to the other side of the bed. 

He was sleeping beside me, not close enough to touch me, but his hand was holding mine amid deep sleep, and I looked at his face.

The war had washed off his charm, and I could see him as weak too. As if he had lost weight. His eyes had eyebags under, and his hair extremely short. The untrimmed beard told how much he cared about him in the last few months.

My heartbeats slowed down a little seeing his face, his knees close to his chest. He did not even dare to pull the comforter on himself. 

A part of me, the inner self, the conscience of mine, felt insanely bad seeing him like this, but another part of me reminded me he was the reason my child died. And he did not deserve my care at this moment. 

I pulled my hand back from his hold and tried to sit up. 


He muttered suddenly, and I realised he had just woken up with my movement. He straightened himself and looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"What happened? You want to go somewhere?"

He asked in a slow voice, and I replied, looking at him with sharp eyes.

"That is none of your business,"

He looked at me and gulped innocently.

"So... that is what it meant all the time when you looked at me like that. I always misread?"

I looked at him with even more intensity.


I breathed and ignored him, trying to step down from the bed.

He quickly got down off the other side and walked towards it.

"Tell me, where do you want to go? I will take you,"

I looked at him and tucked my loose hair strand behind my ear, timidly telling.

"I want to pee,"

He suddenly took me in his arms.

"I will take you,"


I said immediately and tried to force my weight to get back on my feet.

"I can go by myself. I do not need your help,"

I tried to say, looking into his eyes sharply.

He did not meet my eyes and walked to take me.

"I am not helping you; I am helping myself,"

He said, and I looked at him.

"Aahil put me down; I can walk by myself,"

He suddenly stopped and looked at me. He put me back on my feet and took a step back.

"I am sorry,"

I gulped and looked at him, closing his eyes while inhaling a deep breath.


He called suddenly, and I looked at Shaheen and a few more attendees there within a few moments.

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