61 ~ Aahil sees Ruhani

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Aahil POV

I could see the fort now. It was almost afternoon when I reached the Sultanate. My heart was beating so fast and loud that I could not even describe it.

I only wanted to get a glimpse of her being safe and sound. 

I did not know that she refused to go with her brother. If I had known, I would have taken her to her Sultanate. She could not see her brothers and husband fighting. I did not want her to be alone in such circumstances and especially when my family also knew how she was related to my father's death.

I could feel the strong winds slapping on my face as my horse conquered the lands with insane speed. 

I urgently pulled its ropes, and he neighed, pulling his front two legs higher and then stopped right in front of the door.

I immediately stepped down, and the soldiers at the entrance opened the door wide for me, seeing me coming.

I walked inside in a fury, taking longer steps. I did not know why my heart was suddenly hurting, and there was unbearable uneasiness in my chest. Nothing was sensing normal. The sunlight made me feel extra hot, and my knees unknowingly got weak.

I did not know why my fingers turned cold, and they were trembling. My brain was not ready to leave that thought, the thought of her bloodied and unconscious.

I silently begged God for everything to be fine.

I could bear anything, anything for real, but nothing could happen to her.


Suddenly the voice of my mother caught my attention, and I stopped to look at her.

"Assamlamwalaikum, Ammi,"

I said in a hurry, and she replied with a tense face.

"The war is over?"

She asked, and I felt restless about staying here even for a moment.


I answered.

"We won?"

She asked with a wide smile on her face.

I sighed and replied.

"No, we gave up, hoisted the white flag,"

I walked past her, and she stopped me suddenly.

"Why, you never lost a war,"

And I could feel my heart exploding at any moment.

"Ammi, I will explain everything later. For now, I just want to see Ruhani,"

Her expression changed to hurt, and her eyes, as always, turned teary.

"Ruhani, Ruhani, Ruhani, Ruhani, even knowing that she was involved in your father's death, you still looking for her,"

Her voice was also hoarse, and I inhaled a deep breath.

"Ammi, I know everything. But, please, enough is enough. I cannot surpass my emotions. I cannot deny what my heart is telling me,"

I did not know why tears collected in my eyes suddenly, remembering her face.

"I tried to make you understand this more than ten times. Whether she was involved or not, my heart cannot unlove her, I cannot forget her, she is the air to my breath, she is everything I have, she is my whole Sultanate, and I love her so much. You do not have your son, this Sultanate does not have its Sultan, and this world does not have an Aashiq without her. She is my heartbeats, she is my vision, she is my soul. I am so dead without her; why cannot you see and understand this so fucking small thing,"

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