26 ~ Finger dancing on the curves

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Ruhani POV

Life always has its own ways. Yes, I got it proven just now. Whole my life I just wanted this man beside me with utter love in his eyes. And, I was ready to surrender everything before him just to become his.

Ever since I got the calculative capabilities of my brain, I knew I would be his one day. And he would be mine, only mine.

The thought had flowers and fragrances that always tickled me with the essence of blush and timidness.

Even the single visual of him holding my hand makes me smile like I got the air, light, and water to survive.

Conclusively, I always wanted him. Always!

But, now he was mine, only mine, completely mine. Even there wasn't any thought of other women or anything that would make me feel unhappy.

Still, I wasn't that happy. I wasn't that much happy as I always thought that I would be after our wedding.

Because there was a fear in me. The fear of rejection. The fear of being hated by him. The fear that one day his feelings for me would change.

I didn't know if this was because of what happened with his father or because of what happened between us. No, I completely understood his emotions and the way he behaved on our wedding night. I totally understood it.

But, his heart was only mending for me not for my family. Because, for him, they were the reason for his father's death and he believed that I had nothing to do with it.

And, now I was afraid of the day when he would learn the truth. I didn't want these feelings, emotions, and the love he just started having for me in his eyes to vanish.

He placed another kiss on my cheek a little longer this time and I came out of my thoughts. My lashes were forced closed with the blissful feeling. Only, I knew how insanely I wanted this love, this care, and possession.

Please God, never make it vanish, I beg!

Suddenly, the sound of thundering made me open my eyes and I diverted my gaze to his eyes.

He looked back into mine and straightened himself to sit beside me.

I was feeling timid as these were not the clothes he usually saw me wearing. My bare waist was present if he was hungry and not to forget the cleavage which was visible in the deep neck blouse under the dupatta.

I placed my arm over my waist neatly to not let the single sheet of fabric escape from the place.

But, his wicked eyes caught my smartness as he moved his hand to take mine in his.

I smiled timidly when he took my hand closed to his lips and placed a generous kiss on the back of it. My bangles giggled with the motion and I tried to take my hand back shyly.

But, he didn't let it go but rather started taking off my rings. Now, this really triggered me to think what were we doing? Or what he wanted to do with me.

My heartbeats which were already in the middle of a horserace almost winning it, now behaving like a mad mare who forgot about the race. I knew, that this didn't make sense. Well, my brain wasn't processing anything now to make it sensible.

As he started taking off my bangles.

Oh my god!

My chest was noticeably doing up and down due to racing heartbeats and if this thundering and rain weren't showing its night show, they might have been insanely audible.

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now