73 ~ He Gets The Hug

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Ruhani POV

Ten days had passed since the war happened.

He had been lying wounded on his stomach over the bed in those past days. The physicians changed his bandage from time to time to help him heal soon. It took him three days to gain consciousness back. His heart was pierced by the dagger and it was hard for him to take each breath.

He was given sleeping pills and pain relievers to help him cope up with the pain.

I was sitting beside him, moving my fingers into his hair and my other hand was in his palm.

The physicians left as it was late night now. His bandage needed to be changed but he was sleeping. I told them that I would take care of him.

Everyone was worried about him. His mothers, siblings, and even my family and relatives too.

But, they all were equally proud of what he did.

He killed his enemies, the strongest Sultan and his eight sons alone without involving the army. He knew the involvement of the army would make him alert and they would attack us too.

But, he behaved sharply and went directly into his meeting. He combatted him there and killed him.

And, in all these, he himself got brutally injured. There was no part of his body that did not have any cut. Even his neck was slightly pierced and his cheek too.

Just by looking at him, I could feel how much pain he was born in. Seeing him in that condition made me forget all my pains as I realised that I could survive anything but him in pain.

Looking at him, I realised that even in my pregnancy it was not my baby who was making me sick. It was him who was in pain and it was travelling in my nerves too.

Suddenly, he inhaled a deep breath and cried a little with pain.


I messaged his hand and patted his shoulder asking slowly.

"It is okay,"

And, he slowly opened his eyes calling me slowly.


He tried to move on his back and I touched his naked shoulder stopping him.

"Stay like this,"

He inhaled a deep breath and touched my legs to straighten them. He held his body on his elbow when he snaked my waist and pulled me low to make me half laid on the bed.


I tried to say.


He corrected and kept his head over my stomach snaking around my waist.

I sucked on my lips as he possessively held my palm and I felt his heavy hand half on my thighs.

His eyes were closed as I spoke softly.

"Your wounds need dressing. You should lay on the bed,"

Suddenly, he moved his body off me and replied.

"Your clothes are not comfortable, Ruhani,"

He opened his eyes and kissed the back of my hand.

"Take them off,"

He said slowly, with his softly looking at me.

I inhaled a deep breath and walked towards the door. I closed the door and locked it from the inside. It was midnight now and there would not be any visitors now. I closed the window too and blew the extra light lamps off.

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now