57 ~ Mehram-e-Aahil

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Ruhani POV

My mind was blasted.

Not because now I knew what was about to happen but because of the consequences following this set of actions.

This was a natural law. A particular set of actions would always have consequences, but those consequences could vary on account of the choices we make.

And, if I would think about the long-term consequences of what was about to happen. All I could see was destruction.

A war between my family that was planned by Ayzan Sultan would lead all three Sultanates to destruction. And, I still had to know if Ayzan would interfere in the war or if he would sit peacefully and enjoy the show.

My best guess was, that he would let all three Sultanates fight and strengthen his own with silence. And, in that case, this Sultanate would lose everything it had.

The strength, the resources and its families.

And, my mind was telling me that this would not stop there, if Ayzan Sultan could ask Aahil to fight against his own relatives then he could also demand his resources back. The soldiers, the attendees, and the servants because their loyalty lay in Rabia.

And, then we would actually be left with nothing. No family, no people and certainly nothing to rule.

"Bhabhijaan, what happened?"

Shaheen's voice caught my attention and I came out of my chain of thoughts.

I looked at her and then noticed the confused look on her face. The thinned eyebrows and dried tears with red eyes.

I inhaled a deep breath and looked at Shaheen as I was confused if I should tell her or not.

My mind unknowingly went back to one of the lessons that the Sultan gave me about trusting the people in the Sultanates.

He told me that I could only trust three people in this Sultanate. He did not even include his mother, brother and sister.

And, I immediately decided to not tell anything about it until I ensures our backup plan.

My lips immediately curved into a weak smile and I signalled shaheen to translate.

"It's nothing Shehzaadi, Begum wanted to see the distance between the two Sultanates,"


Adeena said and washed her tears off her cheek. Coming closer, she hugged me and muttered slowly.

"Do not worry Bhabhijaan, Bhaijaan will not do any harm to Rehman Bhaijaan and Amir Haider,"

I nodded and inhaled a deep breath thinking that the safety of my husband was ensured because neither my father nor my brothers could cause him any harm. 

And, if he loved me even a bit for real, he would also not cause any harm to my father and brothers. And, now he also had no reason to do so because he was enlightened about the reason of his father's death now.

The rest I left to the God to decide.

I closed my eyes and Adeena released the hug.

"I think, I should go. If Ammi finds out that I talked to you, she will unnecessarily scold you,"

I nodded and she left me there.

When she left, I thought and thought deeper, the set of actions and their reactions. And, with each one that I could see in front of my eyes, I could feel dangerous reactions.

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