54 ~ Sultan Leaves With Rabia

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Ruhani POV

I woke up early in the morning beside him. 

My whole body was feeling tired like anything. I felt excited last night but now it was giving me the actual aftertaste. The soreness in my core and my body was feeling immobile to move. I stretched my arms onto the bed sheet and let out a silent cry with the pain in my joints. And, I turned a little to look at the sleeping big boy behind me. He had his face close to my nape and when I turned I could look at his eyes directly. He was sleeping peacefully after our workout.

I demanded more last night and he gave me more, more and more.

A slight smile appeared on my face and I could not help from taking my lips closer to his forehead for a gentle kiss.

He inhaled a deep breath with my touch and I felt his hand moving to my bosom in sleep. I felt aroused instantly as he pressed his palm against my bosom in sleep.

I gulped and slowly managed to move out of his hold.

I slipped out of the bed and snatched my nightgown from the couch, keeping myself covered with my dupatta meanwhile.

 I retired to the bathing area and got ready quickly. He said he would leave today and I had to prepare for his departure like a good wife.

I got ready in a fresh red pair and went out to meet Shaheen.

I asked her to send the menu to the cooks, gifts that needed to be taken with Rabia and take special care of his Grandmother.

She nodded and I myself went to check on his grandmother.

I entered her chamber and found her wide awake but still sitting on the bed.

Shaheen joined me too as she passed on my messages to other attendees.


Our grandmother spoke and I looked at her, wishing her a morning.

"Ahh, such a beautiful glow,"

She commented and I walked closer to help her sit.


She exhaled a deep breath and pushed herself a little backward against the headboard. She held my hand and make me sit against her on the edge.

She smiled looking at me and slowly muttered.

"Sleep well? Last night,"

I timidly nodded.

She smiled even more and then looked at the attendees standing beside her.

"Leave us alone,"

I gulped nervously and they all left me alone with her.

I looked back at her and she held my gaze asking.

"Take off your dupatta,"

I turned nervous and frightened a little. But, she gave me a warm smile and I nodded lightly.

I took my dupatta off my head and my front. She looked closely at my face and then at my breast.

"It seems like you are in your fertile days,"

She muttered slowly and looked back at me.

"Try to take care of your diet. No papaya, fenugreek and strong herbs,"

She said and I just stared blankly at her. 

"Movement is important but try not to get tired and stressed,"

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now