85 ~ The Rough One

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17+ Chapter

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Ruhani POV

"I am fine, Abbu,"

Haider said and we all looked with shock on our faces towards him.


Abbu yelled at him and he straightened his back and sat comfortably adjusting the pillow behind his back.

"Yes, I thought Rudra came to kidnap her. So, I was snatching everyone's attention,"

And, the moment he said that we all looked at each other's faces and my mother shockingly asked shifting closer to him.

"What the hell are you talking about? Haider,"

He gulped and scaredly looked at her.

"Ammi, Abbu knows everything,"

And, I lowered my gaze knowing what was about to happen.

She turned to look at Abbu and he lifted his hands spatting back immediately.

"I did not know anything,"

And, suddenly Haider said.

"It was Aahil's plan, Ammi,"

And, she turned to look at him. He turned shocked and looked at me.

"Aahil, what the hell is going on? What is he talking about?"

I saw him gulping and he blinked nervously before saying.

"Ummm, Ammijaan, Rudra loves Nandani, Nandani loves Rudra and he planned to kidnap Nandani. He told me and I said it is a horrible plan. I immediately denied helping him but Haider said that it was interesting. So, it was his plan but yes, now," he laughed a little "...now, you see, he is not kidnapping her. So, lets ign... ignore, I mean,"

And, suddenly Haider spoke.

"What??? You were involved and Abbu was involved too,"

And, Aahil immediately spat back.

"No, Abbu was not involved, I knew about the plan. You were, you were high on curd, I guess,"

I looked at Ammi who angrily looked at everyone. And, then I looked at Abbu who was standing beside her and palming his chin not knowing what to say.

"I am so done with you all. Your kids and your father is dancing on my nerves,"

She scold us and stood up from there to walk outside.

I looked at everyone, first my father, then Aahil and Haider who also looked confused, sad and afraid a little bit.

And, suddenly Aahil broke into laughter.

Seeing him, I also broke into laughter and looking at us my father and Haider too also started laughing.

"You guys are insane,"

My father said and started walking away from there.

"And, Aahil, my boy, thank you for saving me,"

He said and left the chamber.

I turned to look at him with furrowed eyebrows wondering why my father said so.

"Why did he thank you?"

He looked at me and stopped laughing.

"Nothing, it is our little secret,"

Now, I turned even more curious to know what was their little secret.

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now