50 ~ Earn The Pleasure

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1k Votes fast!!! I think for me waiting for votes is a better option as some people are not thankful at all. 

Ruhani POV

"So, when can I see my grandchild?"

She asked and my heart beats accelerated quickly. Nervously, I looked at him to answer something but he just stood there with a smile looking at me to have an answer from me.

What? How would I know when would we have the baby?

His grandmother looked at both of them staring at each other. Mine gaze was holding an are-you-serious look and he was telling me I-want-baby.

"It seems like soon,"

I turned back to look at her and just lowered my gaze.

"So, Aahil where are the others?"

She asked looking at him and he tried to hide his long wide smile.

"Umm, Jadda, Ammi, Saeed, and Adeena went to a wedding in Ayzal Sultanate,"

"Thank God,"

She exclaimed and sat on the bed.

"So, Ruhani, come and sit with me,"

She asked patting the bed beside her and I looked at Sultan. He lightly nodded and I moved forward to sit beside her.

"How is everything going?"

She asked and I looked at Shaheen. She also looked at her and asked.

"You also sit here,"

"Yes, your highness,"

Shaheen said and took a seat on the couch.

"And, you, Aahil, cannot you leave your wife alone for some time?"

He gave a frustrated look for a moment and I could sense what he had said without voice. His grandmother ruined his Honeymoon plan.

I tried to compress my smile he exclaimed.

"And, you want grandchildren,"

His grandmother laughed and he left the chamber leaving me alone.

"So, tell me Ruhani, how does your mother-in-law behave with you?"

I looked at Shaheen with an uncomfortable look and she translated for me.

"Very well, She behaves very well and is very loving,"

She gulped and looked at me.

"Adeena wrote me a letter and called me here. She told me everything going on in here,"

I blinked nervously as I did not what to say.

"Your mother-in-law is a no-enemy woman. She is actually a strong one. It's just the time and tragedies that had stoned her heart for everyone. And it is quite understandable as she lost her husband even before she could know him well enough. She bore his children and was so innocent when he died. Just like you, she was this small, innocent woman unknown to the harsh world. And, when suddenly Ibrahim passed we all went into shock, especially her. She did not know what to do or whom to trust. A few proposals were received from a few Sultans of others Sultans to bend the knee in front of them and accept one of them as her husband. But, she was loyal to Ibrahim and her children. She did not want all this hard work of Ibrahim to go in vain. You just have to give her a little time. Her words might be harsh but trust me she can not harm you or she can not even harm rabbits. She just looks horrible but still my little and innocent daughter-in-law from inside and scared of this harsh world,"

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now