Author's Note - Woman to Woman Talk

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Heya Lovelies,

So, we all have read what happened in the last couple of chapters. I touched on a really sensitive topic.

Though Ruhani's miscarriage was not normal or just happened, it happened due to poisoning.

I am a girl, and I am twenty-four now. Pretty soon, I will grow old and will get married. And, a majority of you are girls, 95% if I reveal my book stats to you. 

Some of you are younger than me; others are my seniors. I respect and cherish you all.

In the comment section, I read so many comments from my lovely readers revealing their stories of when miscarriage was told or they have seen in their family.

From the outside, it can look normal, but from the inside, it is not.

I have added the stats of how many miscarriages happen in a year.

We are in a phase where everyone talks about mental health and its importance more than physical ones

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We are in a phase where everyone talks about mental health and its importance more than physical ones.

Mental health is really important. And, a woman after a miscarriage suffers several problems I cannot even bring out here. Mental health suffers too.

My only concern is that we are women, and if you are men, you also have women around you. And the primary reason for a miscarriage is early age pregnancy. Just as Rafiq Sultan told in Bride of Sultan, a woman needs to be physically, mentally and emotionally well to bring a new soul into life. A baby is much more than hit and trial method. I do not know in which circumstance you will go in your further life.

But, I will surely think about everything before finalising that I will get pregnant now. Because somewhere, miscarriages are not normal, it happens because of mistakes, and we all are educated enough to know how to eliminate those mistakes so that a girl's life cannot suffer from those mistakes.

If this awareness could save even a single miscarriage, learning from what a couple suffers when it happens to a woman, especially what happens to a woman when she goes through it. My purpose will be served of put this scene in this Book.

I did not add this painful scene for entertainment, but I wanted to show that a single mistake can lead a woman to suffer this pain. And it has not ended here. We still have to see how well Ruhani and Aahil get along now. How will they come out of such pain? 

*Exhales Deeply*

I want to end it here. I know you all are capable enough to guess what I want to say. What I am spreading awareness about. No one told me to do so. No one!

But my mother went through a miscarriage, I have seen them in my family, and I am a woman too. God knows what I have ahead.

But prevention is better than cure. And I am concerned for all my sisters here on Wattpad.

#motherneedscare #mentalhealth 

Love You All ♥️♥️♥️

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