20 ~ The Lone Days

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Aashiq POV

Washing my tears, I wrapped the book and safely kept at the side table. My heart was sinking in grief and guilt with each passing moment. The vulnerable thought of happening anything wrong to Ruhani was making me feel dead already.

I brushed my thumb against her skin, our hands entangled and looked at her slow breathes.

I still remembered the time like a day ago when she left for her home.

I saw her palanquin going away and away from me. I wasn't feeling bad but not happy either.

I was feeling as if a part of me felt blank when she left. My thinned eyebrows saw her palanquin getting faded and I turned to get inside the palace again.

There wasn't any specific change in me but there was change. Coming back to our chamber and I noticed the utter silence. The clean bed, closed curtains and no lights as if the moon of the sky left.

Unknowingly my footsteps walked towards the window and I pulled the curtains open. The sunrays fell on my face and I remembered how she used to lay on the bed with sunlight falling on her and she reading the book.

A slight smile appeared on my face and I sat on the bed. The mild smell of her fragrance hit my nose and my hands unwantedly pulled the comforter to my nose. I inhaled and the realisation hit me.

She left me. She wasn't here now. She left for her home. I signed and lied on my back. My head on her pillow and I closed my eyes.

I didn't know what was happening to me. She just left and I was thinking about her.

I didn't know if I was missing her.

But there was something in me that was surprisingly missing her silently. I raked my hand on the empty bed and remembered the moments when she made me fall asleep. When we had a small fight and the kiss that happened yesterday.

Everything was blurring my vision making me wonder how could I feel all these for a girl whom I hardly knew for a month.

Well, my doubt was irrelevant as I knew her since birth except the fact that she was mute. I met her when I was a young boy around seven or eight years old. She was pretty and my father always told me that she would be my wife one day. But, my childish brain never took it seriously until I found my father's letter two months ago in which he demanded me to get married to her.

I always knew that she was his choice for me. I didn't know why but he said the same thing to her father in front of me on his death bed.

I was too young to give attention to that part as my focus was on my father whom's breathing was slowing down with each passing moment.

I closed my eyes as the thought of my father crossed my brain and I started feeling pain in my heart. Only he was the one who understood me and knew what I wanted to become. Yes, nobody knew that I didn't want to become the Sultan but the destiny played the game and I got, from which I was running far away.

Suddenly my raking hands touched the side of pillow and I felt something. My hand moved quickly to keep the pillow aside and my sight fell on the rolled letter.

A letter?

I thinned my eyebrows and unrolled it quickly.

My sight instantly fell the signing person and it was Ruhani. A wide smile appeared on my face and I lied comfortably against the bed head board to read the letter.

I knew I smiled like a teenage lover but I was alone for anyone to notice it.

I took a little deep breathe and started reading the beautifully inked words.

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