64 ~ Ruhani Anger Burst

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The next update will be on Monday. I have to go somewhere to spend some time with my family this weekend. Till then, re-read Ruhani and prepare questions for a Q and A for Aahil and Ruhani.

Also, If you are enjoying the regular updates and wants me to resume regular updates Monday onwards vote on all the chapters. I am writing Ruhani for full time, like keeping every thing aside. And, I believe you can spare just 5 minutes to pay for the regular updates by votes on all the chapters. ♥️♥️♥️

Aahil POV


I heard a slow, melodious and euphonic voice.

The world stopped before me, and I felt frozen. For a moment, I felt like nothing was moving, and I was dreaming. I raked my eyes around in a fraction of a moment. Everyone was silent and standing still in their position.

I looked at my hands to realise that, no, I was not dreaming.

And suddenly.


The sweet melodious voice pulled me into reality, and chaos happened.



"My Love,"

"Ruhani, your voice?"


Everyone spoke, running towards her, and she burst into cries.

"Abbuuuuuuu, Abbuuuujaannnnnn, my child... he is... small... no eye...eyes... no nails, Abbu... Abbu please, save him... he is only this long. He is calling me, crying for me,"

"Shhhh-shhh, Ruhani,"

Her father tried to calm her down, but her cries not echoed in the whole chamber.

"Ammiiiiiiiii, my baby... please ask Abbu to bring him to me. He is... so small... he needs me, I promised him to... to protect him, Ammi, pleaseeeeeee... please tell Abbuuuu,"

Her mother also cried, and I sat on the floor with the heart wrecking pain flowing in my nerves.

And then, suddenly.

"Rehman Bhaijaan, pleaseeee, I beg of you. Please... someone, please give me my baby back. Where is he???? Where the hell is my baby?"

Her voice raised, and I heard her father trying to calm her down.

"Ruhani, do not sit up; you need rest,"

She was trying to get up, and she stared at her father.

"I need my baby. Where is he?"

Her voice turned more authoritative, and he tried to mutter.

"Ruhani, please calm down; your healt-"

"My health is least concerned when my child needs care, Abbu,"

She stated.

"Ruhani, please, keep laid on the bed,"

Her mother muttered with a shaking voice, and then suddenly I heard.


Her broken voice called me, and I looked at her. She broke into my cries.

"Aahil, please, my baby, where is my baby?"

She begged with a pleading, shaken voice, her trembling fingers forwarded in my direction, and I stood up from my place.

Her father stood up from the bed; I moved closer to her.

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