22 ~ Celebrations

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Ruhani POV

Nandani's talks flew over my brain and she asked all of sudden.

"Are you excited for this celebration,"

She asked and nodded while signalling.

'I would have been happier if he was with me,'

She chuckled and muttered teasingly.

"Don't worry, he will surely reach here by the time of your wedding night. And, I am sure it will not be the same like previous one,"

I blushed like beetroot and she laughed a little.

"This love is confusing,"

I thinned my eyebrows as asked.

'Why so?'

"For some it's the petals of rose that become the reason of your floral environment and blushed cheeks while for some it's just thorns of the rose that become the reason of your heart break and pain,"

I heard her and touched her hand asking.

'Is there something I should know?'

She smiled weakly and muttered.

"Some other time, my love,"

I nodded as I could patiently wait till the time she was comfortable enough to share.

"These two weeks are just yours,"

She smiled and said.

"We should get ready. I have to brief my plan to everyone,"

I nodded and we both came out of the bathing area.

I opened my closet for her and she said.

"I brought you some dresses from Hind,"

I smiled with joy as I always loved those long skirts with blouses. They looked hot.

She clapped two times and an attendee showed up.

"Bring the dresses from my chamber,"

The attendees nodded and we both laughed and dried our hair meanwhile they brought our clothes.

"By the way Ruhani, have he ever touched you below your neck?"

She asked all of sudden with amusement and I blushed immediately shaking my head.

Her face also turned slightly timid and I noticed a tint of blush.

I held her hand slowly and turned her to face me.

'Do you like someone?'

I asked signalling her and she turned silent.

'Tell me, who is he?'

I asked again and she intertwined her fingers nervously and started telling.

"Yes, I like someone even I love him,"

'Who is he? Tell me?'

I asked and she lifted her gaze to me.

"It's complicated,"

She said and I thinned my eyebrows signalling.

'Whats complicated?'

"He is son of utter enemy. Do you know about your mother's lover before marriage, Abhidev Pratap Singh?"

She asked and I recalled the memories of my mother telling me everything. No, she didn't miss him but he told everything for the praise of my father. Considering how he was so lovable even my mother had a past.

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now