68 ~ Rafiq's Test Of Aahil's Love

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Aahil POV

"There you are,"

She said and walked towards us.

She stood in front of me and looked at us.

"Ammi, we were talking, and she fell asleep,"

I tried to say, and she smiled.

"Her father told me that she is better now. I just came to see myself,"

She said, and I could feel my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment.

"Yes, she is better now, but I think she is on medicine. She does not sleep in afternoons,"

I tried to say, and she touched her head with care.

"It is okay; you should spend time together. It is only you who can come out of this situation together. Others can only give hope, and some motivation and but you two have to do the deed,"

She said, and I nodded.

"You better take her to the bed,"

She said and smiled.

"Yes, I was thinking the same,"

I said, and she said.

"I should leave now,"

I nodded, and she walked away from the chamber.

I tried to look at her sleeping face, which I could easily see through the mirror. I inhaled a deep breath and moved my free arm under her legs.

Lifting her, I stood up to take her to the bed.

Coming out of the dressing part, I walked towards the bed. Putting her down cautiously, I straightened her legs.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes in sleep and held my wrist.


I looked at her, and she shifted in the middle of the bed, pulling me towards her.

I sat down on the bed beside her, supporting my shoulder against the headboard. She shifted and put her head over my chest. Her arm was on my stomach, and I covered her with the comforter. She had just taken a bath, and I did not want her to catch a cold.

While she slept, I used my fingers to unlock her long strands, combing them lightly. Her hair dried as time passed.

It was evening now, and she slowly inhaled a deep breath, spreading her arms, and I caressed her head slowly.

She lifted her eyelids and looked at me.

I looked into her eyes; she was getting better. I locked a loose hair strand, and she held my hand. Entangling our fingers, she put my hand on the bed beside me and closed her eyes again.

"What time is it?"

She asked, and I replied.

"It is evening now,"

She opened her again and looked at me.

"Did you drug me?"

She asked, and I shook my head.

"Why would I drug you?"

I asked, and she tried to straighten herself.

"I am feeling hungry,"

She said, looking at me, and I asked.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything that you can make,"

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