34 ~ Happy Honeymoon

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Ruhani POV

After her mother left I just blankly stared at him.

I couldn't believe he did such a stupid thing just to avoid visiting Rabia's home. How could he?

But, suddenly my attention was caught was the physician.

"Sultan, you must have the antidote now. Otherwise, it will get worse,"

His eyes instantly turned at me and he slowly muttered in a hoarse sick voice.


The physician nodded and left after saying a goodbye wish.

"I will send you that,"

The physician left and Nagina too after him.

I looked at Sultan and I didn't know what I was exactly feeling.

I was angry for what he did to himself and equally felt pity for his situation that he did it just to make me feel comfortable in our marriage.


He called slowly and I inhaled a deep breath followed by a gulp lowering my gaze.

My fingers again traced the line of my bangles with the flood of emotions and he spoke.

"Come here,"

He said tapping the place on the bed beside him, a little.

I steal a glance at him and looked at the clean polished marble floor.

"Ruhani, come here,"

He said again, sitting a little against the pillows and I slowly took the steps forward.

Unknowingly my memories returned to the last night when he revealed a lot about himself to me. A part that did impact me in a jealous and hurt way was Rabia stripping for him.

I couldn't imagine that she and he had that kind of past. Also, I was still unsure if he was physically involved with any woman before.

Though, the words he said to me were directed toward love and everything he claimed to be saved for me. Still, I couldn't deny the fact he knew very much about those all things.

I reached closer to him and sat as he asked me to.

My eyes daring not hold the direct connection with his but the sweet move of his tucking my hair strands behind my ear made me eventually get into intense eye contact.

 "Happy Honeymoon Mehram,"

He said the last word a little teasingly and possessively while I just hold the flat gesture on my face.

"I am sorry,"

He finally said.

"This was the only way to avoid going there,"

He started with a weak and hoarse voice which hollowed my chest with pain. He got himself sick just to stay from Rabia. This was impossible. I wanted to scream at him, fight him over this but I didn't even know if he could see that I was hurt because of it. 


He called me slowly again and I came out of my constant thoughts.

"Please, I am absolutely fine... It is not because of you. I myself do not wish to go there,"

I still was not convinced. He was Sultan, he got the responsibilities of a Sultanate. People were after him and he was behaving childishly just to avoid a visit.

"It was not just a visit Ruhani,"

He spoke all of sudden.

I lifted my lashes to look back at him. My eyebrows thinned a little and he continued.

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