38 ~ A Little Suspicious Sultanate

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Ruhani POV

"I wear a poisonous diamond, Ruhani,"

He stated and my eyebrows furrowed immediately. Why was he wearing a poisonous diamond? My face turned sad but he smiled strangely.

"The King usually wears it to get rid of enemies in a fraction of a moment,"

He exclaimed and my knitted eyebrows calmed a little.

He smiled sweetly and slowly pulled me into a hug and muttered softly.

"You better get dressed. The Administration is waiting for their orders,"

I chuckled a little knowing he was also aware of the fact that I also had to work.

He released the hug and said in a hurry.

"I better be leaving. I have an important thing to listen to in the meeting,"

I nodded and he left in a hurry. A wide smile appeared on my face and I looked at my wooden trunks that had my clothes. I took a fresh pair of clothes and chose white again as he previously commented on it in a good way.

After getting ready I asked an attendee to heat up the dish again and serve it in the afternoon to him. While I had fruit and asked Nagma to take me to the Kitchen.

There I helped the cooks with the meals menu. But, strangely I found them a little off mood. I looked at Nagina who inhaled a deep breath talking to the head cook and it looked a little suspicious to me.

The cooks in my Sultanate were happy and more lively than here. I did not know but they were strangely looking weak and starved. I took a few steps forward towards the group of eight cooks to whom Nagina was talking and they all turned to look at me.

They bent to wish me and I nodded back replying to their wishes. I looked at Shaheen and signaled her to ask about their concern about their mood.

"Khansama, the Begum wishes to know if there is any problem with the meal menu?"

She asked the head Chef. He entangled his fingers worriedly and lowered his gaze while taking a deep breath and muttering.

"There is no problem with the menu, Begum but the dishes you mentioned are only meant for the royal family. The high ranks, soldiers, and staff do not have the privilege of the same meals, especially the one appointed within the sixteen villages of the Sultanate"

My eyebrows knitted a little and I wondered what was it. In my Sultanate, the menu was the same from the top to lower people. We all enjoy the same meal but were served differently.

I looked at Shaheen and she spoke for me.

"Why so? And what is especially the Sixteen villages?"

He lifted his gaze strangely and looked at me for a moment with a parted mouth and tried to speak.

"Pardon, Bahu Begum, But I believed you know about the recruitments of the Sultanate's staff and soldiers,"

My eyebrows furrowed even more and he hesitantly tried to change the topic.

"I am sorry, Begum, I am wasting your time, I should rather be cooking the meal you choose for everyone,"

I nodded and he bent again asking for my leave.

I let him but it all sounded a little strange to me. First, why was there partiality between the food and why special partiality to the sixteen villages?

I looked at Shaheen and tried asking her what was those villages about.

She looked at me and answered slowly while we walk to the common chambers of the maids as I needed the complete tour of the Sultanate first.

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