83 ~ Ruhani Knows About Kidnapping

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Ruhani POV

He came back after some time and I got dressed up again by that time and washed too. I had to do my hair again as it really got messed up. No one should know what happened in the daytime in our chamber.

"Where are you going?"

He asked coming back and I turned to look at him in new clothes.

"I need to go,"

I started and he hugged me from behind.

I saw his face leaning into the hem of my neck which I could see through the mirror and he said.

"I want to cuddle,"

"At night, promise,"

I said, trying to get out of his hold to braid my hair.

But, he stuck to me like flies stick to honey and when I stared at him with my playful eyes he took a setback.

"Let me help,"

He said and pulled my back using his fingers lightly on my collarbones and arms. He lightly combed my hair and parted them into three thick strands.

"You know how to braid hair?"

I asked and he replied.

"I know everything until I am high,"

I chuckled and he braided my hair neatly and tied my hair.

I turned to him and looked at him.

"Thank you so much!"

But, instead of taking my thanks, he pulled me closer and snaked his strong arms around my waist and kissed me for a few moments softly. My body tilted backwards as he shifted a little weight over me and finally I had to move my lips out the reign of his lips to inhale a few breaths.

"Fine, you have work. I know,"

He said and I pecked his cheek.

"Someone's back in his game,"

He chuckled as I teased him and his face slowly turned a little serious. He gulped and looked at me with soft and worried eyes muttering in a slow voice.

"Consume papayas, just for caution,"

I nodded and he let me go from there.

I came back to Nandani and another four days passed in the same rituals and a few more. I helped her family in shopping from jewellery to clothes, everything she would need in her Kingdom. But, there was something I could sense that was wrong.

I did not know what was it but I could sense it like it was present so clearly on her parent's faces, moreover, her brother still had not joined us. They were clearly avoiding any conversation related to that subject.

I was resting in my chamber after a long and last day of Nandani's haldi and it was just when Aahil entered scratching his newly grown slight beard on his chin.


I asked and he lifted his eyes to look at me laying on the bed.

He closed the door behind and confusingly walked closer to me.

"I think we have got some problem here,"

He said and sat on the bed beside me taking off his upper and the kurta.

"What do you mean?"

I asked and lifted my head a little up supporting it with my elbow.

He laid on his back and turned his face to look at me. Pulling me closer in his warm embrace he exclaimed.

Ruhani ~ The Language Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now