13 ~ Devil's Casket and smoke

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Ruhani POV

Pulling the door open, he left me alone walking out.

Closing my eyes shut, I tries to calm down my racing heartbeat and horsed brain. It was like hundreds of current waves running into my brain just like silver currents run in the clouds during thundering.

But, it was not actually currents but the thoughts, the visions that were occupying me right now.

I didn't know how to elaborate the feeling when his lips touched mine just for a moment. It sent a wave of excitement and nervousness altogether in me.

And, his hand. When he moved it along my waist. It wasn't purposely, but still, enough to ignite the fire of the coals that I kept covered under so many layers of mine.

I tried to breathe.

Once, twice, thrice... I tried to focus on my breathing because I didn't know what was it.

Just a few days ago, he claimed to be cheated by my father and me. And now, he was being playful and teaser.

I didn't know what was wrong with him. Or may be it was my deep and intense feelings for him that were overthinking right now.

Sucking on my lower lip a little, I brought my focus back to the world. My sight fell on the book which got its few pages crushed as he just left it over the bed without care.

Pressing my fingers tenderly over the pages, I tried to bring their original shape back. But since, paper being paper it wasn't possible to make it like before, in just a few moments.

Unknowingly, my sight fell on the page where I was and he shocked me. My eyes started scanning the words, reading that part again precisely.

Wondering, how was he able to read. I realised that it was actually written. I mean, the words, he was teasingly telling me then. They were real, it was actually written.

But, how could he read?

My overthinker, detective brain started working in its full capacity and reached to a conclusion that he was lying that day when he asked me to search for the letter. He was just testing me, my patience may be.

That means, he could read.

I closed my eyes and kept the book aside, promising myself to read carefully around him.

But, how could I read carefully. This was his chamber and he could come and go any time. And in no condition I was going to stop reading. Why would I?

I didn't know why all this affected me differently. He wasn't rude yet created an impact on me. His sweet and salty assaults, talks and those two eyes were making me fall for him shamelessly.

If I wouldn't control now. I would end up begging him.

I had to control. I had to ignore.

I reminded myself and stood up from the bed. It was almost evening as the sun was ready to set. I closed the curtains as the slightly cold breezes started now. I walked to light the lamps as there would be darkness soon.

I didn't know where was Nagina and my other attendees. They didn't visit me often as this was Sultan's chamber too.

Spending the good time in lighting the lamps and re arranging my books, I sat on the couch.

Wandering my eyes from here and there, they landed on a box.

Thinning my eyebrows on that dust coated box, I walked towards it.

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