58 ~ Begum is Pregnant

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Ruhani POV

I could feel the wind changing in the servant chambers. Most faces told me they did not like my decision but had no other options left, and the remaining portrayed satisfaction.

I curved my lips into a slight smile, and when I turned back to leave the servant quarters, his mother came my way.

I stopped and bid her my good wishes. She returned the gesture but not with the same happiness that I carried for her.

"This Is Not Right, Begum Sahiba,"

Her face was revealing utter anger and frustration towards my decisions. But, I improvised with a warming smile and signalled something with decent gestures, which Shaheen translated for her.

"Badi Begum, the Begum is just performing her duties what Sultan told her before leaving,"

Her face changed to shocked and confused.

"He...he asked you to do all these?"

Her fingers moved to animate it, signing towards my decisions.

And I nodded simply and moved on.

The following two to three days passed in handling the resignations that did happen even after my warnings. But, I considered them good because the loss was better than betrayals.

His mother kept showing me frustrated and hateful looks, but I ignored them for the sake of people. My ideology was completely different from a good wife. Sure, I was a wife and a daughter-in-law, and it was my responsibility to keep them happy and walk in their decisions.

But, before being a wife and a daughter-in-law, I was a Princess, daughter of Sultan Rafiq Sulaiman. It was my duty and responsibility to keep my people healthy and safe.

You see, marriage was not just between two people. It was much more beyond the bedroom, kitchen and producing babies. My responsibility was to take care of the Sultanate when he was far away, fighting for us and keeping our bothering away.

Our people need more than they ever did. Because now our Sultanate was at a stage where it could either completely shatter or rise.

A wrong decision could make thousands of people suffer.

And I decided to keep my family away for some time and do what was needed to do.


I was discussing a few things with some officials. And made very important amendments. I removed all the managers recruited from Rabia's Sultanate and promoted ours to take those positions. I also shifted the job responsibilities of people working in the same position for more than five years.

Because the changes in the persons could help me in findings the corruption in Sultanate. The main idealogy behind it was the poverty of our Sultanate even after winning Seven princely states in the war. We owned most states and were still very poor in financial, literacy and human resources terms. And it was not possible without corruption.

Suddenly, an attendee came and caught my attention.

"Begum, Amir Haider from Darmiyan Sultanate has arrived,"

My eyebrows thinned slightly, and I looked at Shaheen in confusion.

I signalled him to bring him here, and she translated it for him.

What was Haider doing here? My heartbeats raced with imaginary thoughts until he came into my chamber. 

I stood up from the couch and walked to him, spreading my arms wide for a hug.

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