Aliyah's POV

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I woke up with the feel of a full bladder. I need to go pee before this burst. I run towards the bathroom and abruptly go pee. Oh, thank goodness for the relief. Then a rustling sound of shower curtain caught my attention. Whe I turned around, I saw the look of amusement in Nic's face.

"Well, what a morning delight you have there, love."

"Jeez you startled me Nick." I flushed the toilet and said, "Next time try to lock the door when you shower."

That was so embarrassing. Does he really need to hear me pee? Now, he has somethig to add up in his teasing list. I walked out of the bathroom and sit in front of the vanity mirror. I look like a mess. My make up were all smudged around my eyes which made me look like a panda and my hair is a total disaster. As I was trying to fix my hair, Nic came out of the bathroom looking like a Greek god, with his hair dripping wet on his shoulder and the towel wrapped around his waist barely covering his torso. How the hell did he have abs like that? I shifted my gaze back to the mirror before he caught me looking.

"You should probably go change into a swimming suit. We're going parasailing today." He said to me while looking for his clothes in the wardrobe. That reminds me that I need to unpack my stuff too.

"What time would that be? I need to unpack first."

"I already did the unpacking." He shrugged.

I faced him but the moment I did, I instantly regretted it. His abs was on full display and I saw a glint of smile forming in his face. "You went through with my stuff?" I asked faking mad.

"I just wanted to help. Don't worry I never took anything."

I turned away from him. "Never touch my stuff again."

"Okay, sorry. Won't happen again." He turned to go back into the bathroom. "And oh, I already ordered breakast." He said before closing the door.

After showering and eating breakfast, we went to the site where we would parasailing. While walking in the beach Nick turned to me and asked. "You've done this before?"

"Once. In Greece. Have you?"

"There are quite a few things I haven't done and it does include this. Oh by the way, you wanna take pictures to show to your grandpa?"

"Thanks for reminding me. Can we use your phone? Mine is kinda out of memory." I asked him and he took out his phone from his front pocket.

He started sliding his fingers in his phone then he came to stand beside me and put his arms in my shoulders. He held out his phone to capture a picture. "Say Niiic."

I look towards the camera and said, "Niiic."

"Nice. You actually look pretty in this pic, Liyah."

"Haha very funny Nic." I started to walk again when he pulled my arm.

"Wait. Let me take a pic of you first."

"No way!"

"Oh come one just one. Just stand there and smile. Don't be such a party pooper."

"Fine. Whatever." He stepped back and looked at me up and down. "Eyes on the camera, love."

"Of course. I was just trying to get a better angle."

"Just take the picture, asshole."

"Wow, only you could call me love to asshole in ten seconds." He held out his phone and said, "Say Niiic."

"Niiickelodeon," I said just to piss him off.

"You should quit calling me that you know. It lessens my masculinity," He said seriously as we resumed walking.

Before I could make a sarcasric comment, a bulky man who was walking towards us greeted us. "Mr. and Mrs. Adams. It's so nice to meet you both." He held out his hand and both Nic and I shook it. "I'm Andres and I will be your guide for the parasailing. Your grandfather, Mr. Fitzgerald, was a friend of my grandfather so if you need anything just approach me."

"Thanks man," Nic said.

"You okay if we have some people joining us in the boat?" Andres asked.

"Not a problem with me," I shrugged.

"Let's go then." Nic put his hand on my lower back.

"Cool. Let me introduce you to our company first then we'll have the briefing."


"You sure you wanna go first?" Nick asked for the fourth time after I decided to do the parasailing first.

"Don't worry. I've done this before and besides if something bad happened to me, you're gonna be a single man again and go on with your player ass."

He let out a sigh and said. "I wasn't even looking in her direction." He motioned towards the girl who kept on looking his way.

"I don't care Nic. Just keep it clean and out of my way. We have an agreement," I reminded him.

"We need to talk about that agreement again."

"Later, I wanna enjoy this ride for Pete's sake."

"You ready now, Liyah?" Andres interrupted and I saw Nic rolled his eyes as he took a seat beside a guy whom I susppected was gay because he kept having glances towards him.

"Yup I'm ready." I smiled to myself.

"Okay, you already know what to do. Up you go now!" Andres secured the buckle.

"Be careful love," Nick shouted at me as I felt the wind slowly lifted me up to the sky.

I love this feeling when all I could see is the sky and the sea and all I could feel is the wind tickling my face. I feel free. I really love my grandpa for arranging this for us.

When I turned to look down I saw Nic talking to that woman who kept giving him suggestive looks. I really need to remind him again about our agreement. I know I can't keep him celibate during our marriage especially that I know how a manwhore he is but he needed to know what lines shouldn't be crossed.


"Hey look at what I took," Nick handed me his phone when I came to seat beside him after I finished my turn parasailing. I look at the pictures he took of me while I'm up there flying.

"Wow you took a pic. You gotta send them to me, I kinda look good in them."

Suddenly the woman beside her interrupted us. "Let me see Nick." Oh they're on first name basis now.

"Sure. Isn't my wife beautiful in there?" He handed over his phone to her.

"She should be. She's a famous singer after all," She responded sarcastically and that made me tick.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked heatedly.

Her face turned red. Maybe she thought that I would let it pass just like that. "Nothing. Gotta go, I'm next to go I think." She stood and went to where Andres was standing.

"You're so freaking hot when you're jealous, Liyah." Nic grinned.

"And what made you think that I'm jealous? I'm just defending myself, Nic."

"She didn't even do anything to you and you scared her off."

"Oh, I apologize for making your next victim run off. And mind you, I know an insult when I encounter one and I'm absolutely sure that what she said was an insult directed at me," I told him heatedly.

"Calm down now, Liyah. You don't wanna make a scene here. I'll get you something to drink. What do you want?"

"Something strong please".

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