Aliyah's POV

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"How do I look?" I spin around to show Belle and Ciara my dress. I'm wearing a dark blue dress with a simple cut that hangs above my knee. Tonight's the gala event for the official announcement of the merging of our companies and believe it or not I feel nervous. I haven't been around with business people a lot and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to relate with them.

"You look stunning, hun! Nic will totally love it," Belle exclaimed.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure he will," I told her nonchalantly.

"What's the matter with you two though? You seem sweet with each other when people are looking but as what I've noticed, you two are like Tom and Jerry - always fighting for the upperhand." Belle said while looking at the mirror arranging her hair.

"So true. You hiding something from us, Liyah?" Ciara asked.

I sat on the bed and sighed. "Nic and I are always like that."

"But then you dated for months before getting married." Belle turned her head to me.

"Did you really? 'Coz I never saw you two together when you were supposedly dating," Ciara asked.

Belle took a step towards me and looked directly in my eyes. "You know we're bestfriends, right? You can actually tell us anything and you can trust us, Liyah. You know that."

They're right. Maybe it's time I tell them the truth about Nic and I. "Okay but please promise me it's not gonna come out of this room."

"Promise." They said in unision.

I told them about everything. About Nic ruining my life since we were kids. About the real score of our marriage. And about the rules that we agreed.

"I can't believe you actually went through with all that," Ciara said disbelievingly.

"It's all for my grandpa." I told them.

"But you have to admit it, Nic's totally hot. If I were you, I'm definitely gonna tap that." Belle said then added excitedly, "His brother is way hotter though. You have to introduce us, hun."

Ciara glared at her. "Will you stop being a flirt for a sec? Liyah here has a real problem at hand." She then turned to me. "So what's your plan? You're gonna stay married to him for how long?"

"Don't worry about it, hun. I have it under control. This is not forever," I told her.


"You look absolutely gorgeous, love." Nic looked at me up and down from where he was standing at the door of my old place since Ciara, Belle and I decided to dress up here.

"You don't look bad yourself." I smiled at him.

"Well thank you." He bowed like a gentleman would. "So where are your friends?"

"We're here!" Belle shouted.

"Hello ladies." He strolled towards them and kissed their cheeks. "Need a ride?"

"Nah. We got it." Ciara replied.

"Okay, let's go then." He gave his hand for me to take.


"You look excited." I told Nic upon entering the hall of the hotel where the event would take place. A lot of guests have already arrived.

"Who wouldn't be excited when I have the most beautiful woman in my arms?" Oh, such a flirt.

"Cut that crap, Nic."

"Okay, fine Miss hotheaded. Do you want something to drink?"

"Yes please." He walked towards the table to get something to drink while I greeted some guests. I was talking to Mr. Cooper when Nic interrupted.

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