Nicolas' POV

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"Dad's gonna have our balls for not closing that deal with Colton."  Cole burst into my office without knocking and took a seat in front of my table.

"Good afternoon to you too, brother."  I looked up from my laptop.

"You better explain to me what happened with your meeting," He demanded, looking exasperated.

"The contract has many loopholes, Cole.  Plus, their proposal is not feasible," I explained.

"You better explain that to dad really good, Nic. You know dad has been going on with my ass and this is my last chance.  Don't wanna blow it."

"Don't worry bro I got it."  I reassured him.  Cole hasn't been serious with his job at first and I'm glad to know that he seemed really into it now.  Maybe my little brother is finally growing up.

"Well you seem to be in a good mood, bro.  Your chitchat with Liyah must have went well."  He said changing the subject.

"I think we should be discussing the deal with Colton rather than my bogus marriage."

"You said you got it," He exclaimed then said,  "Tell me how it went with Liyah first."  He crossed his arms.

I told him what happened last night and this morning leaving the details about me being confused about what happened this morning.  Liyah is confusing me a lot with her actions.  First, she was mad at me then the next thing I know she was all smiles.  Women.

"So is she having an affair with Mills?"  He asked.  That's another thing that confuses me.  She never told me the real deal between her and that asshole Mills.

"I don't know.  She said Ciara's gonna release a statement to clear things up."

"Oh come on!  That statement could either be true or not."

"I don't care Cole.  She can do whatever she wants.  It's none of my business,"  I told him, trying hard to act nonchalant about the subject.

"You are so fucked up man.  You didn't even tell her what really happened about her break up with Mills."

"It was in the past for crying out loud."  I retorted.

"But that was the reason she hated you that much."  Now Cole looked really pissed at me.

"No, that's not the only reason.  Plus, I love it that she hates me," I replied coolly.

Cole shook his head.  "Damn, you're an idiot brother."

Am I really an idiot?  It's not like Liyah would suddenly thank me for doing what I did back then. 


"What are you doing here?"  I asked feeling surprised when I opened the door of my penthouse only to see my mother smiling.

"Visiting," She replied simply as I kissed her cheek.  "Where's Liyah?"  She walked passed me, entering the place as if it was her own.

"She's not yet home, Mum."  I followed her wondering what brought her here.  She doesn't usually come for a visit, unless to lecture me.

"It's already late."

I rolled my eyes.  "She's a busy woman, Mum.  Way busier than me."  I gestured for her to sit on the couch.  "Do you want some tea?"

"Yes please and Nic, may I remind you that it's rude to roll your eyes at your mother."

I just shrugged and made my way to the kitchen to make her some tea while she followed.

"So what time will Liyah be home?"  She asked.

"I don't know Mum."  I handed her the cup of tea.

"You're married, Nic.  You should know her whereabouts."

"What is the real reason you are here, Mum?"  I turned and asked her, knowing where this conversation would end.

"Okay, you got me.  I wanna know what's going on between Liyah and Gideon Mills."

"I think you should ask her that, not me."

"What kind of answer is that Nicolas?"  She scolded. "She is your wife.  You just got married for Pete's sake."

"We all know it's a fake marriage so cut the crap out Mum and stop acting like you actually care if this marriage would work or not,"  I said sternly, feeling iritated with these nosy people.

"You know what son?  For a smart person, you really are an idiot sometimes."

Well that was twice in a day.  Maybe I am really an idiot.


I feel like a lot of eyes are watching us right now.  Last night when Liyah arrived home, she told me that we need to be seen together in public to reinforce the statement that has been released about us being an adorable and growing strong couple.

So here we are sitting in front of each other pretending to enjoy our lunch in some fancy restaurant arranged by Ciara herself.

"Are you okay?  It's so not you to be so quiet," Liyah interrupted my line of thoughts.

"I'm perfectly fine, love."  I smiled at her.  "Just not used to you being so nice to me."  I winked which earned me a glare from her.

"Well enjoy it while it lasts," She said cockily.

I took her hand that's resting in the table and brought it close to my face, holding her gaze.  "With pleasure, love."  With that I kissed her hand and I swear I saw her eyes glimmer but it was gone before I even blink.

She looked around as if knowing that there were paparazzis watching the exchange. "You are quite a good actor for an amateur, Nic."

I just shrugged at her.  "What can I say?  I have the best teacher dining with me now."

"Oh Nic.  You're just like a cute little puppy eager to learn."

"Did you just compare me to a puppy?" I chuckled.

Her phone rang interrupting us.  She took it from her purse and answered.  "It's my Mum," She mouthed at me.  "Yes Mum?" She paused, listening to the other end then frowned looking at me.  "I don't know... no, we already talked about it... must be a misunderstanding... okay, bye Mum."

"What's up?"  I asked her wondering why she's looking at me heatedly.

"Why did you told your Mum that you don't know if Gideon and I are having an affair?"  Well I wasn't expecting that.

"Because I really don't know," I answered her honestly.

"Really?"  She asked exasperated.  "You're an idiot, Nic."

What can I say?  Yes, I’m definitely a well-educated idiot.

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