Aliyah's POV

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"I can't believe Nic would do that. It has been just a week since you've been gone and he's been fooling around again." Ciara said after I hung up the phone.

I did expected it though. I know Nic and his reputation with women ever since high school so I didn't expect him to just sit around and wait for his wife to go home after months of being away.

He didn't even gave me a single call after one week of me being away. Well, what would I expect? I'm pretty sure he was glad that I was finally out of his hair.

"I know he would do it but I was expecting him to be discreet about it," I told Ciara who was now sitting beside me on my hotel bed.

"So what did he say? Did he deny it?"

"He can't remember doing it. That asshole," I said feeling irritated. "I don't care whatever he did as long as it won't reach to grandpa."

"Relax hun, I think you should take some rest now. We have a concert to do tomorrow. Just forget about it for now. I'm pretty sure Nic will fix it." Ciara stood up from my bed after giving me a hug.

"I hope so."


Two days after our concert, Nic still hasn't called and I don't wanna be the one to call him first. He's the one who has some explaining to do, not me.

The guys and I were on stage right now for the rehearsal. The tour was going really well so far and we were all enjoying being back in Europe; this is where everything started for us anyway.

"Excuse me. Liyah, you're grandpa's calling," Belle called out for me holding out my phone in her hands.

I turned to the guys and the stage director. "Excuse me for a sec." I went backstage and took my phone from Belle. She knows that I don't receive calls from anyone except my grandpa while on work.

"Hello grandpa. How are you?" I greeted on the other end.

"Sweetheart, I'm fine. Old but fine. How's your tour going?" I heard his frail voice asked.

"It's great!" I replied happily.

"I know you're probably busy right now. I just called to tell you that Nic and Cole came for a visit yesterday."


"Uh huh. It was very interesting. They showed me photos that were quite disturbing," He said.

"What photos grandpa?" I asked knowing exactly what photos they showed him. Was this the way Nic fixed things? By showing my grandfather the photos that he shouldn't see in the first place? What an idiot.

"Don't act like you don't know about those photos, Aliyah. The two explained to me what really happened so no need for you to fussed all about it."

"So you called to tell me that I don't have to fuss about the issue that Nic never even cared to explain to me?" I asked my grandpa feeling agitated.

"You never talked to him?" He asked sounding surprised.

"Last time we talked, he just woke up from a hangover and couldn't remember doing it and now you're telling me that he explained to you what happened."

"Oh that boy could be a little dumb sometimes."

Belle motioned for me to go back on stage. "Sorry grandpa but I gotta go back rehearsing. I'll call you again later. Love you."

"Love you too sweetheart."


I hated to admit it but I was waiting for Nic's call for almost four weeks now. Yes that long and he never ever contacted me, even a single text message. It's not that I'm waiting for his call because I wanted to hear his stupid voice. I just wanted him to at least explain to me what those photos meant. Okay I'll admit it, I miss him a litte. Damn.

Anyway, I need to focus on the tour right now. It's not like I was used to Nic calling me when I am on work.

We are currently in Italy, one of my favorite places here in Europe. This place was the longest time that I had stayed in; the place is just amazing. I'm planning to visit some friends around the corner later.

"What are you thinking?" Andres suddenly broke into my thoughts.

"Huh? Nothing," I replied quickly.

"I was talking to you for the last five minutes and you just zoned out. I was asking about that building that we just passed by." He pointed outward the car window.

"Sorry, I was just tired," I reasoned.

"Are you sure? Because all we did today was sit there and listen to the director."

"Yeah it was kind of tiring to me. Don't worry, all I need to do is go the hotel bar and drink some champaigne and I'll be good as new," I said faking enthusiasm. The car stopped in the parking lot of the hotel that were staying. "Thanks for making sure I made it to the hotel safe, Andres." I opened the door to get out.

"Any time, Liyah. And if you need a company up there, don't hesitate to tell me. You know I'm always available for you." He winked and I stifled a laugh.

"You never change Andres. Bye."

The guys, Ciara and Belle decided to have dinner and hit the club afterwards. I told them that I don't feel like clubbing tonight so Andres just volunteered to give me a ride after our meeting.

I went directly to the hotel's bar to grab something to drink before going upstairs in my suite.

"A glass of champaigne please," I told the server after taking my seat across the bar counter.

"Liyah?" I heard someone called my name and I turned to the owner of that familiar husky voice.

"Gideon?" I asked feeling dumbfounded. What are the chances of meeting your ex in an exclusive bar here in Italy?

"It's really you. I thought it was somene that looked like you when you entered the bar." He then took the seat beside me. "You don't mind if I sit here, right?"

"It's fine." I smiled at him feeling nervous. I wasn't expecting to see Gideon, of all the people, here in Italy. "So what are you doing here?"

"I'm actually staying at this hotel until friday. I have some business to take care of." Oh, what are the chances? Maybe he's also staying in the same floor with me. Maybe he's right next door. No, that can't be, Ciara and Belle are staying there.

The server placed a glass of champaigne in front of me. "Thanks," I murmured, thankful for the interruption.

"So how's the tour? If I knew that you'll be here for your next show, I would have bought a ticket to watch."

"I could give you a free ticket," I blurted out. Crap. Could I be more blunt?

Gideon just laughed and asked, "When will your show be?"

"It'll be this thursday. 8PM."

"Well, I'd like to take your offer of a free ticket." He smiled then sipped the drink in his hand.

"Great. I have your number so maybe I'll just text you about that ticket." I smiled back and was about to take a drink of my champaigne when I heard the shattering of the glasses followed by a commotion.

I turned my head towards the commotion and saw him.

"Is that..." Gideon said and I did not hear him finished his sentence because I was already walking towards the commotion.

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